Nov 9, 2022Liked by KFP

It comes to something when speaking the truth is seen as an act of bravery. It just shows how pernicious this gender cult is that it puts such fear into well educated authors that makes them fearful to speak the truth. Joanne Harris need to go, she’s a bully, a cultist, childish, in fact she’s totally unprofessional. This gender religion is absolutely the most dangerous cult thus far, far more dangerous than Scientology or any other daft cult. This cult has infected the very fabric of society and people need to grow some balls and say enough to these crazy gender cultists..

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But just for any TRAs here, it's not possible to actually grow some balls. 😁

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What a sinister world where, in our 'free' society, people are afraid to speak the truth. How on earth did this happen?

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It was ushered in with the mantra of "be kind", riding the coat tails of LGB rights, while the mainstream media remain silent or concel the truth.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

It's remarkable that more people are still not questioning what Mermaids is trying to do to LGB Alliance. The relentless propaganda that is trying not only to present it as anti trans, but also as a right wing antisemitic, homophobic organisation.

The media is still going along with this pernicious garbage. It's washing away the sins of Mermaids and Stonewall and continuing to portray these toxic fuckers as fighting transphobic and homophobic bigotry, etc. They're trying to defeat hatred and install rainbows of kindness everywhere. A truly colossal con.

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Personally I'd like to see the editors of mainstream media explain how what they are doing is ok. Is this what they think jounalistic integrity is? What is in it for them? It's amazing isn't it - add a TQ to LBT, gain credibility, then throw LGB under the bus adn groom the children, so making their parents complicit. If the media were reporting this honestly, there would be so much pushback.

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It's unfathomable how completely they are shafting LGB people, who, after so many long years of oppression, could finally stop concealing their sexual identity and their relationships, and marry and divorce just like anyone else can. Being able to relate to and use their sexuality as they wish rather than being defined by it. Now all of that is being diminished, and the exclusivity of terms like same sex attraction and same sex relationships are being questioned and categorised as bigoted and hostile. If it's LGB or not LGB the T has to be there, and be prominent and defining.

That alone is enough to gain the critical attention of the media, the same media that if it didn't advocate for LGB rights and freedoms, at least reported on the relevant issues. And partly because that was happening, changes occurred. So yes, I'd like to know what is in it for the MSM that has persuaded it to ignore this, or report thi gs in a thoroughly distorted way. I'm assuming, because nothing else makes enough sense, that this involves a huge amount of money and power, the kind that can cause very significant societal shifts and destabilisation.

Clearly, pushback is occurring but it's slow and inconsistent because so much has happened that people haven't been aware of. People have been confronted with all kinds of things in a state of unpreparedness, like being asked about their pronouns and what they are, for example. Children being encouraged to believe there are multiple gender identities. Why not just make them infinite? I think a lot of people are still wondering what they are pushing back against in entirety, and where is it going to go.

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I agree. Most people are completley unaware of the issues - they are in a fog of "be kind" and trying to do the right thing as they believe the mantras trotted out about trans people being the most vulnerable. Good people want to do the right thing and they want to be kind but they are sadly ill informed, and we all know what happens when good people do nothing, or worse still, become complicit. Add to that the threats of violence and the consequences for speaking up then I am sure there is a huge silent majority. I believe the vast majority of people do not want gender ideology. The MSM is completley complicit in keeping people ill informed.

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I agree too. When I discuss this with friends, they are baffled as to why I should bother about something they think is mainly academic and affects a minute amount of people. They are as difficult to get through to as anyone who thinks we're bigots.

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Yes, so many people persist in the delusional belief that this has nothing to do with them. It only affects those on the fringes that they never interact with anyway. When this obnoxious ideology, such as it is, encroaches more and more, sets terms and conditions in ways they wouldn't allow themselves to conceive, they will get a very distinct sense of what bigotry is.

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Oh, and I almost forgot, they went for the children. What good parent wouldn't try and do the best for their kid, especially when the "professionals" are telling them to validate or lose them? When put in that position, the majority have to buy into the lie.

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It's so difficult when parental common sense is now seen as neglect or abuse.

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When is a 'civil rights movement' not a civil rights movement? When the fear of opposing it is palpable and universal. When free speech is no longer free. When a top down movement, established without public input -- signed, sealed, and delivered in back rooms -- is presented as a fait accompli. How could the most oppressed ever humans in the history of the world wield such power? Fear is their weapon. So much fear. Fear of social censure, fear of job loss, fear of the loss of children and friends, fear of cancellation -- FEAR. When people find their courage, this 'gender' cult will end.

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I've seen Dolores Umbridge with the same expression.

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Given me goose bumps reading this. It’s chilling. It’s very McCarthy. It’s abhorrent and disgusting that people are made to feel too afraid to be honest about the truth of our very existence (and it’s now mead to become a protected belief in law, but how crazy is that!)

The few loud, obnoxious, truth deniers, liars are the ones who should feel the shame and stfu quite frankly. But with their words they expose themselves. Time to stop their bullying

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by KFP

Well said , one and all , the tide is turning

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

By the time I read to the end I wanted to stand and clap. Every single one of them has more intergity and honour in their little finger nail than JH has in her whole body. They all talked of debate and free speech and safety, not about threats, violence or cancelling. That is the difference.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by KFP

Reluctant as I am to credit cynical, scummy lawyers, you have to hand it Dentons because piggy-backing the T onto LGB was a stroke of genius. It instantly elevated gender ideology to the status of a civil rights movement and anyone questioning it was immediately branded "hateful," "bigoted" etc. I'd never in a million years have guessed that it would work so effectively but they knew what they were doing.

That apart, it feels as if the pushback is finally starting to gain momentum. A small aggressive, vocal minority have created an atmosphere of fear but when the moment finally arrives that the silent majority are able to speak freely, the scam will no longer work.

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When did Dentons initially become involved?

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by KFP

I don't know - the notorious "Denton's document" is dated November 2019 but I don't when they first got involved. I would guess prior to 2015 but that's a guess.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022Liked by KFP

See 'The document that reveals the remarkable tactics of trans lobbyists' 2 December 2019, James Kirkup, The Spectator:


Also, 'Revealed: the secret trans-rights lobbying operation in parliament' 10 March 2021, https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/revealed-the-secret-trans-rights-lobbying-operation-in-parliament/

Perhaps also (I haven't re-read) 'Dentons campaigns for kids to switch gender without parental approval' www.rollonfriday.com, 29 November 2019

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Thanks. Getting warmer. The first two links are to the same article and I'd like James and others to do more digging. The rollonfriday article states 'Its authors include several Dentons trainees and Lamin Khadar, the firm's Pro Bono Manager.' But then 'A disclaimer states that it "does not necessarily reflect the personal views of any of the lawyers, staff or clients of Dentons". Mosaic, an LGBT youth group, contributed to the UK portion of the report, as did an unidentified NGO which "wished to remain anonymous".'

Oh I bet Stonewall did. Or was it Mermaids? So this is typical slippery quasi legal shite so layers are buried under layers to deny liability. Like Stonewall getting everyone to sign 'commercial sensitivity' and other 'confidentiality' agreements.

If it didn't reflect their views, whose views did it reflect? Several APPGs are dodgy as, but it's still a bit smoke and mirrors. I worked for one, and most of the members were shocked when I expected them to turn up as they sat on these 'groups' and I didn't really know why or what they were for. I expected them to pull their weight and for the issue they were supposedly representing. There was a supposed tightening up of these types of groups a few years back (and like times before).

Interesting that Lamin is 'Global Adjunct Professor of Law at New York University in Paris where he teaches European Public Interest Law' and also 'is particularly interested in the role that the private sector can play in supporting civic freedoms and civil society and in collaboration between the private sector, academia, and the non-profit sector.'

???? the private sector? Collaboration? Oh I bet he is. Is that what we're calling it this week.

Another name is mentioned and it states 'When it was asked to comment on aspects of its report, Dentons initially offered up Atanas Politov, its Director for Pro Bono, for an interview. Then it asked for written questions in advance. When these were provided, the world's largest firm by headcount was unable to find anyone prepared to answer them, and gave a general statement instead.'

There is a lot hidden under this 'pro bono' justification. I am interested that he 'led the PILnet team which organized the annual European Pro Bono Forum - bringing together law firms and NGOs to collaborate on addressing critical issues of social justice.' Hmm, can I smell fish?

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

Sorry about link duplication, I've edited to correct and here's the missing link for the first – key – article again: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-document-that-reveals-the-remarkable-tactics-of-trans-lobbyists/

Thank you for your further sleuthy mulling. Yes, a piscine whiff hangs heavy.

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Hahaha you can talk Mully McSleuthface :-)

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HAHAHA! Keeping that for mully mode, thank you!

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And why. Who was the mastermind behind that, was it someone at Dentons, a team internally and/or externally, who was the funder or trans activist that convinced them? They, IGLYO and a few other corrupted organisations and press like Thomson Reuters.

Such a guide to set the course of this worldwide delusion didn't spring from nowhere. Did they just create a gap in the market for this new legal 'rights' field expecting the dollars to roll in? Like it has. And like opioids were to the Sacklers.

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See links about Dentons just posted to KFP.

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By the way, IGLYO? 'IGLYO is committed to the sustainability of the network's financial future. We are currently funded by European Union, the Council of Europe European Youth Foundation and the the Government of the Netherlands.'

Back to the Netherlands again and their puberty blocker 'protocols' that turn out not to be as 'evidence-based' as they declared. So is it US influence and funding sprouting these bases in places that had links with some unsavoury things promoted? The paedophile rights groups in Germany, Netherlands, then links to the EU?

I remember the tussles with introducing European Directives as some countries and governments were known to be corrupt so there had to be lengthy engagement over decades and a deal of horse trading. I'm not excluding the UK from that.

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We have TRUTH and REALITY on our side and these have a habit of debunking fantasy ! More and more people seem to be waking up to this horrifying agenda 🙏

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We just need the police to take off those rainbow tinted spectacles and actually do their job rather than policing people's speech.

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Some of the most virulent defenders of trans ideology are parents of confused kids who suddenly declare themselves to be trans/nonbinary. There are quite a few celebrity examples of this, including Joanne Harris (OK, I use the word “celebrity” loosely here). Joolz Denby was on the money when she summed up the mentality of parents like this - want to be seen as the “cool” parent and overly chummy with their kids because they haven’t grown up themselves and don’t want to do the thankless but oh-so-necessary bits of being a parent, like setting and enforcing boundaries.

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"What genre does Joanne Harris write in?

Joanne Harris is an Anglo-French author, whose books include fourteen novels, two cookbooks and many short stories. Her work is extremely diverse, covering aspects of magic realism, suspense, historical fiction, mythology and fantasy."

Yep that sums up trans!

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I only know her for being the author of a weedy, badly written romance story set in France that was turned into a film starring a famous misogynist/wife beater.

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So many areas of publishing as well as the SOA have come under the sway of of the TransActicvists cult so everyone who responded and those who added their names are to be admired. I wish JK Rowling could set up a publishing company, even if it was in a small way or principally for children’s writers, so there would be at least one publisher immune to their pernicious wokeism.

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All of this platforming of writers in favor of truth is positive, a move in the right direction. For a tongue in cheek reply to Dylan Mulvaney's ludicrous Greig soundtracked fake "meadow" experience on day whatever of "girlhood," try this link on What is a Meadow?


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Very nice presentation. Our huge garden is a meadow, yellow with dandelions and buttercups in the spring. We also have to be careful about tics which are endemic to Bulgaria where I live.

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Thanks. I tend to go very spur of the moment, when a thought such as combatting wrongthink about the definition of meadow irks me. Next up, a chair dance called Why a Dress? Why a No Chicken? Choreography heals too. Ute Heggen of YouTube channel, same name.

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It's great to see so many people defending JKR and other authors who've been cancelled on the orders of this deeply sinister cult. Although not a writer , I would definitely have signed had I known about the open letter to the SOA. Without free speech ,we don't have a free country. Well done to those who signed and expressed their opinions with such inspiring words 👍👏

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It is better to be feared than loved, but sooner or later, fear is not enough on its own.

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An Irish contributor says "And still, there was nothing forthcoming from the Society of Authors—effectively, the union for writers in the UK. " I venture to suggest that the real union for writers is actually The Writer's Guild, which is affiliated to the TUC. Hope you're a member Graham!

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The brave writers and non writers who signed this letter are to be applauded for standing up for truth, not a truth or my truth but THE TRUTH. Joanne Harris (never heard of her and I read upwards of 5 books a week) may have skin in the game but it is not her place to use her position to push her beliefs. Beliefs others, many many others, do not subscribe to and are rmostly appalled that this pernicious insidious cult has infiltrated their union and is busy removing free speech and cancelling those who don't agree with her and others in that captured organisation. She has no rights to do that and her disgraceful tweet and her double down show she is totally unfit to hold any public office whatsoever.

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