Jfc how can you ‘dupe ‘ when you’re 6’5” and quite clearly a man

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All staff at these places need sacked , fucking imbeciles

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I am so FUCKING tired of this!!! As I'm convinced all others here do, I donate, protest , sign petitions, write to MP's, comment everywhere I can, whine and share to friends, family, anyone who will listen... Our BELOVED Graham, JKR, Maya, KJK, Julie B, Kathleen S, et al ad finitum have gone far further - and then some - in risking their LIVES, careers, the works AND YET STILL, THIS OBVIOUS, BEYOND-PARODY, SICK FUCKING DANGEROUS FACADE CONTINUES!!!!! Normally this is the point where someone would say, "Does someone have to DIE before this madness ends?!" Yet even then we all know that no, it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference even if one of these chimpanzees crucified a baby at Wembley Stadium. They'd still be celebrated in some sick way, probably portraying them as the victim. I won't use the word itself just in case but I can really see how certain groups ended up resorting to it. (We won't of course; we're ABOVE that). The TRA's certainly aren't, as we've seen.

Apologies for the rant, but I am so FUCKING ANGRY!!!!!!

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023

No need to apologize whatsoever, Holly. I could write a rant like this every other day. All of the protests, petitions, letter-writing, & speaking out are going to continue to have limited effect until we get more organized, strategic, and coordinated. We could use some kind of steering committee or something to coordinate the efforts of all the groups and individuals who are active in this fight. A steering committee that would include at least a couple of people who are connected and/or have influence with people in power, and at least one public relations professional.

So when a story like this one happens, it's all over the news media and social media, and being talked about in the Houses of Lords & Commons (? sorry, I'm American), and in the US and state Houses & Senates. And we get out there first to frame the narrative in a way that works for us instead of playing defense.

Let's get started! I'm not much of an organizer myself, but am willing to do some of the grunt work. How about everyone else?

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Jesus holly go and have a glass of wine before you have a heart attack 🍷

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I know, my darling. Easier said than done but I will take your sage advice. Xx

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It was satisfying reading it, so thank you! It’s the crucify a baby part that caused me to burst out laughing, as that sums it up perfectly. Speaking truth to power, speaking truthfully period, is our only real hope of ending this madness. Humor and “ranting” relieves some of the pressure in the meantime! ☮️❤️🐾

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Happy to oblige my darling! 🤗

It's shocking that so many EXTREME things happen but there's always radio silence in the cowardly mainstream media. What would it take to get them to wake up?! Even if a toddler is abducted by one of these evil sickos I don't think it'd make all the papers. To quote that Zoolander character, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! 😡

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Fucking arse , last said

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Sarcasm helps no one

Unless it’s said in jest , which yours isn’t

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I feel your pain, Holly.

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It's so frustrating isn't it? X

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They're making excuses. Aka lying: they were probably too scared of him to say "No"

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This is true of so many in the so-called "helping" professions. The antisocial workers left my foster daughter with her abusive, violent mother for EIGHT years (ages 3 to 11) and all I could figure was that they were scared of her mother.

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I'm a 6'4", 18 stone (muscle and belly), ex semi-professional rugby player and I'd happily challenge this (wo)man to any physical (or intellectual for that matter) challenge.

This may not be the right way to do it, but maybe getting more 'big' men to support women against this misogyny may help?

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Nowhere near your size or stature Christoper but played a fair few games of football in my day & been on the terraces even more.Observing the antics of these crybullies in frocks intimidating women just wanting to speak about their experiences at Kellie J's events infuriates me & one day hopefully we'll both turn up unannounced,shoulder to shoulder & put these f*kers back in their box because like all bully's,its the only language they'll understand..

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If only I was what I was fifteen years ago. I'm quite happy to be a martyr to this cause however. I'm a qualified clinical physiologist, so cannot understand how seemingly intelligent supporters of this ideology (supporters, not trans themselves) have been manipulated in to denying biology (both ways).

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Manipulation & intimidation to deny the evidence of your eyes & ears is their trademark & how they roll,I'm no spring chicken myself nor wish to be a martyr but as long as I've a breath left in my body I'll fight this pernicious ideology to protect my daughter and Grand-daughters personal spaces from these predators.

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Intellectual does not come into the equation , they’re all fucking nutters , perverted nutters

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I would PAY to see that! I'll get the popcorn and opera glasses...😈

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When my wife finally gives in and leaves me as I'm lazy and grumpy.

I do cook all the food mind (I love to cook. And eat.), but won't clean as a 'traditional' misogynist (don't like cleaning...), I'll give you a shout. Although I've probably put you all off now!

Thinking about it, I sew the badges on my son's cubs uniform, can use a sewing machine. Can't now, but used to knit and cross-stitch...

My mother taught me well.

How many of these new 'women' can do that ?

Just don't ask me to clean.

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You cook , I won’t clean either , I have a woman what does

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You beat me to it , I’m always late to the party ,sigh 😂

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Thanks to ‘trans activists', more accurately described as 'trans' terrorists (I agree with Graham) -- women’s spaces — from intimate necessarily single-sex spaces to female-only networking apps (and everything in between) — have become magnets for abusive men. Cult terrorists, institutionally aided and abetted, have infiltrated every level of public and private governance. How ever did we get here? We need Mega Inquiries. The public, kept in the dark by captured media for far too long, has the right to know what the hell is going on.

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We probably know far more about "what's going on" than the media or government do. Government in particular doesn't want to know: unless there are votes in it. So the Tories cultivate the old and more GC, while Opposition parties allow themselves to be captured by the young and gender-indoctrinated.

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We NEED a new party.

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The Reform Party know what a woman is and have an anti-woke agenda. https://youtu.be/FnxA8FQdU_8

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But Fraserreal, it has nothing to do with sex. God Forbid! It has everything to do with sex. That is what it is all about at this level.

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This man needs to be locked up (in a men’s prison obviously) and the key thrown away. Even his mother believes he should be jailed.

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Firstly, there is no protection in UK law for men with a 'trans identity', only those with 'gender reassignment'. Secondly, even those with a GRC can be excluded from these female-only settings, according to the 2010 Equality Act. GRCs were issued (2004 GRA) in order to accommodate same-sex marriage (now available to all through more recent legislation, making the 2004 Act defunct) not as a ticket to open all doors. A larping, great hulking man lied his way into becoming CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre and is still there - against all known laws. These people do not care what the law says. The only law that counts is the Law According to Stonewall - which is unadulterated ordure.

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Even if captured organizations leave the two Stonewall schemes the problem of indoctrinated EDI HR personnel and senior management remains. I believe these organizations need to go through a government mandated decontamination programme where their policies are audited to align with UK law not Stonewall law. There also needs to be a sensible guideline about the size of the EDI team for an organization. Professor Alice Sullivan reported that the 2021 Census revealed that 2% of the BBC are 'trans', four times higher than the national average, so how many EDI staff do they need?


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That's brilliant! Yes, of course! Decontamination is key! You've really hit on something here!

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I suspect that a lot of BBC applicants cottoned into to the fact that putting trans on the application practically gave them a shoo in. That figure is probably distorted. In fact, when I was applying to the BBC myself (unsuccessfully- also the Home Office) I was advised by an HR “specialist” to tick a protected characteristic box and that would at the very least ensure an interview. I didn’t, because that was dishonest. More fool me.

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But being female is a protected characteristic!

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Being female doesn't work for sexist organisations like the BBC though, unless they want a secretary. You have to be a male "victim".

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Sex is a PC and thus applies to either sex. Female on its own is not a pc. Neither is "trans". The ridiculous "gender reassignment" is a pc and should be removed from the list. It is covered by belief pc.

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Someone reeled the nine ones off to us in a meeting the other day. As if doing so was enough. Or meant anything. And as if we wouldn't know. Nil points. We were not impressed. That's someone who has been floating around this area for decades and proudly revealed selected highlights from their last few positions to presumably make us applaud like seals. So I was even more shocked at how blithe and ignorant they were.

The whole EDI industry has become a paying lip-service tick-boxing racket. So people who know what they're doing are in the minority. And this harms those with protected characteristics and in many contexts.

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Susan, from memory the BBC conducted surveys on who was/was not trans; it was not based on job applications. Thus the figure is not a distorted one.

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The issue might be they don’t get grant money unless they accept men who say they are women. Believe most refuges are direct access and service users are not police checked. That means they have to rely on service users answering risk assessment questions honestly (assume they risk assess due to vulnerable people staying in refuges. They used to have to do this for grants, hope they still do 😬). Most refuges are emergency accommodation like homeless hostels are.

The bizarre thing is many refuges don’t accept older teenage boys which means families fleeing abuse have to be split up.

It would be even more of an utter disgrace if this service disallowed some teenage boys whilst allowing grown men!

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Quite. They don't care about law because they can just pretend that words have different meanings than their collectively understood defintion. Even female now is often used as a term to denote legal fallacy rather than biological sex.

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But apparently there is a Catch-22 in actually applying provisions of the 2010 Equality Act: because (sfaik) gatekeepers of single-sex outfits cannot ask to see a GRC without breaking the law.

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There are quite a few and also other apparently unintended consequences (and concerns were raised at the time and 'overlooked'). How things happen in practice and reality. Then the failsafes that have also been removed one by one. Then the underfunding and chaos of other sectors which mean the 'never events' keep mysteriously happening and lessons are not learnt. There's a huge dollop of cock-up, another huge dollop of dedicated intent - aka conspiracy - then a whacking great dollop of frenzied inaction and paralysis to do anything about this despite all the evidence of the gaps and damage being done. You don't need to ask for proof if you know you are providing a service that has exemptions. There is no wriggle room. Safeguarding is being undermined continually by the fear of legitimate challenge then the fear of the fear.

Then there's the sheer ignorance and doubt being created, then oddly seeking advice from those who follow Stonewall Law - often actual lawyers seem to be parading those mistruths.

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Exactly right. Can’t believe that bloke is still in charge of a the Women’s rape centre in Scotland. Just wrong in every level.

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Time to get his name trending again perhaps. Mridul Wadhwa bingo with all the same fingers in the same pies - Greens, Women's rights sector, Charidees, Rape Crisis, employment law, SNP on and on it goes.

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They don't want to examine themselves because they know they broke the law

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Breaks my heart. When I was at Leeds Rape Crisis, many years ago, we knew that for many woman if they even heard a male voice in the background they would simply hang up. Leeds was such a feminist stronghold, largely because of the lesbian separatist women who took such a leading role. I knew there was a lot of male resistance to women’s right of assembly, but this backlash against us having autonomy has been more extreme than I could imagine.

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Thank you telling us about this. Tragic and infuriating!

The “Be Kind” brigade are so often stupidly doing the work of misogynists, homophobes,

child abusers and actual fascists.

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Yes, and I had to listen to it from the pulpit on Sunday. I cannot attend church and have my face smashed into ignorance, it's too draining.

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Your church is going against The Bible and is teaching false religion! I can understand how you felt. Unbearable, it has ceased to teach the word of God and favours lies, doing Satan's work to put it plainly. Perhaps you could have a word with the preacher.

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She was leaving on sabbatical the next day, but I wrote to her that day. No reply. I wanted her to explain to me how mutilating and poisoning children was okay with Jesus.

I would really like to find someplace sympatico to attend church, but all the liberal churches are utterly captured, and I'm not fundamentalist or evangelical. Though one Sunday I got an evangelical tract on my windshield that was pretty good!

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I'm a Jehovah's Witness and although they are conformist in some ways. They very specifically follow The Bible and acknowledge everyone's choice to do what is best for their conscience and try to follow God's teachings. I'm sure you would find a warm welcome at one of our meetings. All are welcome with no obligation.

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What ! Surely not!

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This is such a betrayal.

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Thanks so much Graham, for your tireless exposure of this absolute cruel vicious misogyny (and homophobia & child abuse)

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What is their motivation for enabling this form of psycho-sexual abuse? Why, why, why are they doing this to the most vulnerable women and children in the country?

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Because they can , aided and abetted


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An unclear 2010 Equality Act with legal provision for single sex spaces is virtually impossible to apply in practice.

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HOPEFULLY the debate in June will remedy this.

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I wonder if it's worth us asking which of our MPs will be attending debates like these, and if they are aware. And if not why not.

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No point in asking my MP. He's an LGBTQIA+ activist who will violently oppose anything he considers bigoted and transphobic: like clarifying the 2010 Equality Act to make clear distinctions between biological sex and "gender identity".

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I know, I'm halfheartedly hoping we will be relying on electronic/paper trails for how we tried to raise concerns repeatedly and our elected representatives had their fingers firmly in their ears. They always try to wriggle out of accountability.

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I'm sure we WILL be relying on such trails to establish accountability! And on timely screenshots of incriminating Twitter etc posts before outrage and/or multiple reporting gets them taken down.

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This sick freak lived across from my wee petal not that long ago

He was hounded out , glad I didn’t know or I’d probably be posting this from the pokey , as you know he is more protected than me and my little gd

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Paddy's Podcast S3 Ep1 interviews Dublin women leaving prison about their experience of hostels. "Full force man punch ... lifted her right off her feet". Horrific. Identity bollox trumps safeguarding. Worth a listen.

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Thanks - will check out

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God, I'm so sick of this shit!

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6'5"! Son of a bitch.

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You broke me out of a very bad mood and got Alexa to play ‘son of a bitch ‘ from Goliath , too lazy to find the original singer but cheers 😀

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He gets around that Katie bloke. That in itself is suspicious. Serious creep.

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He travels a lot and has a penchant for living life online as a 'gamer'. Nuff said.

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All of this identity laundering has to stop

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Good term for it.

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The National Crime Agency should be funded to counter it. It's fraud, theft and they are criminal gangs.

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Our society’s beginning to sound a bit like something you’d read about in the old testament. filled with vice and selfishness. horrible. Can’t even provide a safe space for abused and persecuted women. Its not a lot to ask is it in 2023.

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Safe places only required for abused and persecuted transwomen cb ,after all they make up the vast majority

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