I hate, hate, HATE when people write in vernacular like this and get it wrong. It's grating and irritating and lots of other - ings.

And the patronising "ooh look at this authentic working class trans person, how gritty and thrilling" review. Oh, they can both just fuck off.

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OMG! I read the Guardian piece and toyed with getting the book out of the library but this is beyond parody. Feeling extra pissed off as someone who has written a proper novel and just had ninth rejection and yet this pile of shite can get published and widely promoted.

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Good God that is fantastically shit.

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Lees got a massive feature in the Guardian mag at the weekend, glossing the childhood sexual abuse and prostitution with a bit of vague euphemism.

Attempting to read the mangled dialect is like having a migraine narrated by Little & Large through megaphones.

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OMG that's appalling - seven years to write? Seven years to decipher WTF he's saying, more like. P*nis Sleaze was on "Lorraine" this morning, apparently. Doubt the host asked him about saying "I'm not happy unless I go home with a stranger's 🐓 in my mouth" and at what point in the encounter he disclosed he also has a 🐓.

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Diplomatic immunity by opt-in.

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Did they completely bypass the stage where books are EDITED? 😆😆 That is horrendous. Even more embarrassing that it's intentional.

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That’s the pits. Shockingly bad.

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To my mind, 'write what you know' is the stupidest piece of advice you can give a budding writer, unless they have an interesting personal tale to tell. A self-obsessed dullard is only going to write dull crap.

Writing prose in the vernacular won't produce another 'Trainspotting' (or should it be 'transpotting'?)

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Peri-sleaze, said my brain. (Not me, guv, it wor muh brain.)

The Alan Partridge clip is great, thanks.

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I'm looking forward to the Wallace and Gromit film of this book. "Aye up Paris time for t'walkies"

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“It reads like a review I would write if the author had kidnapped my dog” 🤣 🤣

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Although I wouldn’t touch that drivel with a barge pole I’ve just watched the interview on Lorraine. She absolutely passes in presentation and it isn’t her trans status that I have any issue with. She’s leading her life as her authentic self. Good for her. Her presentation as a transwoman to the public makes TRAs seem reasonable. She wouldn’t pose a threat to me in a public toilet. What is hidden from public is the self iD brigade with beards and full male genitalia trying to push their rights to enter female only spaces, lesbian spaces and hijack women’s sex based rights. She’s a Trojan horse.

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What a load of shite!

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Actually Byron was an Aquarian. He's born the same day as me. Hmm does that mean Paris Lees is born that day too?

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New member here. Just trying to get a feel for things - where's the party? But the first time I came across the term mediocre men was with this quote. It's about the ad industry. "I hear from women who say: 'I don’t want to be hired just because I’m a woman.’ My response is, ‘Get over it. And look around you at all the incompetent men who got hired just because they are men.’ " For years now, Cindy has been pointing out that the creative directors in the advertising are 97% men, and this skews our vision of the world big time. And yes, they are mediocre. I know, I worked in advertising for a bit. And this scares me because I think advertising is our #1 cultural "art form." That's why we keep seeing the fat beer shlub with 6 bikini babes hovering over him, or while young women have orgasms washing their hair, and mothers dance with brooms. Yeah, right. https://twitter.com/cindygallop/status/1335272222966099968/photo/1

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