I can only repeat what I said on Glinner the other day- that the MSM, particularly the BBC, needs to be held to account for allowing this vile ideology to fester and spread in stealth because it has actively refused to investigate, discuss or tell the truth over many years.

Thank you Kath, this needs to be shared widely.

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The BBC as a publically funded broadcaster should have been warning the public about the dangers of trans ideology instead they have celebrated it and attacked people like Graham for standing up to it. Heads need to roll for this and hopefully when the wheels finally come off the trans bandwagon there will be an investigation into how they were so heavily captured.

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It will be much like the Post Office Scandal, much hand wringing but the real culprits retiring with fat pensions and bank accounts leaving untold suffering behind.

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I was going to mention the PO too-. Appalling and cruel and criminal behaviour can happen and be unpunished, because it will not be investigated until twenty years later...

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Sorry…Cath. 🤦🏻

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There's something about what Lynne Pinches did that give me the feeling her story will not go away, regardless of how much the captured want it to. I don't know what it is exactly, but there is a solidity to it that shrugs off any attempt to minimise or mischaracterise it. Maybe it's because Ms Pinches is not courting attention, but simply stating her case - I don't know, but I think this is going to carry a lot of momentum for a long time.

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I think it's partly because Lynne is someone people can see as 'ordinary' - like them (though better at pool!).

The scenes of her being given her award back home, by more 'ordinary' people, made a connection.

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Yes! That's what I couldn't quite grasp. Thank you!!

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Yes. It's also (in addition to what WomanOnTheEdge wrote) that some are being disappeared and being made invisible by others. And very deliberately. Our needs are ignored. I have had people stand in front of me and lie and deny to my face and this is that on a grand bureaucratic scale. Injustices are denied and lied about. So they happen again and again. By literally removing the words to describe us. By denying and challenging our experiences. By telling us it's only us complaining. By removing focus from us, by taking our places and spaces. By claiming our victories. Then repeatedly. That is abuse whichever way it is spun. Whenever I feel that feeling of being made invisible I feel that deep burning sense of injustice and I feel it for others.

An MP was on Radio 4 this lunchtime and talking about how long it took to get justice for Post Office subpostmasters and how we are all asking why and how it took so long. Why is that? Why is justice so slow it's denied? The rage many of us feel. After twenty years, it's taken one TV programme and a week later they've managed unprecedented constitutional change. So they can do it, dizzyingly fast, but that is fundamentally challenging who has the power to do what and when. All of this was happening in plain sight. If they do pass this new legislation what will that mean? Henry the VIII powers take on a new dimension. It seemed to be a legal fiction that Fujitsu Horizon data couldn't be wrong, and victims were threatened and coerced into admitting 'guilt' just as you can have this Ian bloke's pretence of a 'male-born female'. Black is white, right is wrong. So now we're back to how we establish guilt or innocence. Look at legal Twitter/X and you see the volume of negligence and harm that is in our failed criminal justice system. How measures to speed up processes are removing people's rights and all fairness. Hopefully enough people will care enough to motivate more change.

When we can literally or metaphorically stand up and present ourselves to say this is me, I am here, I am still here, I am flesh and blood, I exist, I am not going away, I have a voice and you will not make me invisible. That is what I see in that wonderful photo of Lynne.

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The BBC have now changed the article, presumably due to the complaints. It now puts both sides of the argument and the only objectionable part is the fantasy that this guy has changed sex. If that were true, it would make our complaints that this man plays pool comprtitively with women unfair. But it isn't true. Harriet Haynes is a male who pretends he isn't and is being indulged, not a female with a female body which puts her at a disadvantage with men in sports. This is still too difficult for the BBC to get it's corporate head around.

So well done Cath and all who complained. Just a little way left to go....

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What is his standing among male pool players, I wonder. Top 1000? 10000? Did that have anything to do with his decision to play in the girls team (the Lia Thomas wiggle)?

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Sports is often all about the psychological resilience to get that edge to succeed and take milliseconds from times to outcompete your opponents. To just keep trying. To perform under pressure. These men and their simpering 'allies' and 'sporting bodies' are waging psychological warfare and are showing they will do literally anything to get their own way. I don't know how I could face walking into a changing room in my chosen sport, then out to a start line, after hours and months, then years of body-breaking relentless training and sacrifice to see a bloody man there next to me, gloating in his 'feminine' and 'womanly' 'male-born femaleness'. It would be like competing with my legs tied together, blindfolded and nailed to the spot. I would think the whole world had had a psychotic break.

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I always think that the 4 minute mile is a great example of the immense difference. Broken in 1952 by Roger Bannister. Since then almost 2000 elite male athletes have broken it. Current men's record stands at 3.43. A woman has yet to break the 4 minute mile over 70 years after Roger Bannister!

I reported on it here 😊



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As a former BBC journalist, and with apologies to devotees of competitive pool, I can say with confidence that the most interesting angle in this story is the forfeiture of the final and the reason for it. Hearing from the competitor making the allegation of cheating is obviously of interest to the audience, even if they can’t tell an eight ball from a gobstopper. The BBC chose to ignore conventional news values in favour of promoting gender ideology.

I’m still awaiting a credible answer to a complaint I made last year about a different example of their capture by this misogynistic and homophobic dogma, but there’s not much chance of common sense because the advice on gender is the only part of the BBC Editorial Guidelines that actively encourages their staff to lie.

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Good point I also find the fact they havent focused the story around Lynne a bit strange she is the underdog here fighting back and the GBP loves this kind of story. They are starting to come across as a deeply misogynistic organisation who seem to delight in favouring Male cross dressers over actual women.

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Thanks Cath. This seems like part of a body of evidence that should be bought before the BBC Board and OFCOM. Their reporting has long been compromised by ideology and an agenda rather than being independent and balanced. Balanced across time and platforms doesn't wash either, that's not how people view information and form opinions, and they know it.

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It's really weird to watch this unfolding isn't it? All these 'corrections' have removed all trust. Not some trust, all trust. I have this fact-checking doubt running full throttle as I read anything the BBC produce now and their output is weirdly variable between platforms and regions. Oh, no it was a dog not a cat, not in a tree but found in a burger, 500 died, no no one died, and on reflection we made it all up. What the **** is happening in those offices? Is no one checking anything? It is clearly forced propaganda and they have destroyed the organisation they work for.

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Thank you Cath. I've been reading you on X but it's good to read it in one piece.

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i can’t believe the bbc won’t let her tell her side. I’ve always championed the bbc tbh citing that the murdock press and others can’t serve the people and their share holders and all the other obvious arguments but if they don’t reform people like me boring middle class left of centre white blokes will start to call for it to be abolished. I’d rather reform than rip apart.

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You're not alone. I'd always been a staunch supporter and defender of the BBC and the licence fee but not any more.

Like you I'd rather reform than destroy but I'm beginning to doubt reform is possible.

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it has to be WOTE, all our institutions are polluted with this shite. It must be purged from all of them. Society has made a massive terrible mistake allowing this. Asleep at the wheel. We just need to take back control and sort it out. We can’t rip down all the statutory bodies just because tbey have rot can we. The void left would be filled by a far worse evil i thing. Like the bbc is fucked at the moment, but what would fill it’s space?

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I agree - but rooting all this out is going to be very difficult, not just in the BBC.

I'm just looking through the 'trans child' policies for schools in Wales - different authorities, safeguarding (!) boards etc have issued their own guidance. The ones I've looked at clearly use Stonewall law and tell schools they must let children self id into toilet facilities, changing rooms etc.

It is going to take a long time not just to make changes to policy etc but to then make sure the changes are enforced.

How, how, how did we end up here!

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good luck, i’m talking to our school again. Its depressing and not enjoyable. I’ve asked to just do everything email but they want me to go in for a chat. I’ve met enough people in authority to know that a chat is meaningless if you want change. It has to be formal complaints. I hate all this bollocks. I really resent all the worry and anxiety its caused me. I know we all feel it. I’d quite lkke to get on with something worth while than having to re establish basic human rights in our fucked up society. But no i’ve got to go and explain to school that if they are going to talk about medical transition they have to show the kids the pain it can cause too. Not just the glam costa poster people. They think we are radical suggesting what humans have known since the beginning of time is true.

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I'm just so glad I don't have children at the mercy of all these lunatics.

Well done for actually taking action!

My resolution for '24 is to 'do more about it!'.

Even if we're just one small voice, enough small voices still make a noise.

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If you do go in for a 'chat' please do record it. I leave it up to you to decide what you do with that and if you decide to tell anyone that is what you intend to do.

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Hi TSBBL, I’ve already told the MAT ceo that i won’t share any correspondences with third parties tbh or go online with anything they tell me. Apart from ofsted. I really want to improve and change the schools not damage them- unless they ignore me and my requests. I’m going to do everything formally and take it as far as the machine lets me. If they are still failing i’ll have to reconsider. Its so fucking depressing this i hate it.

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Of course 'reform' is possible! All this is entirely down to what the staff are told to do - or what they are allowed to do- by the management. The BBC used to have a good reputation for putting more than one side of an issue, and for sticking to facts. And if opinions were given, they were stated as being opinions. Although it was obvs part of 'the political establishment', it valued factual news, and showed a certain respect for the audience. The problem is a small bunch of TRAs who work there now, are being allowed to peddle their propaganda unchlalenged by their managers. We all know how Stonewall etc have scared people with threats of legal action, etc: so all that is needed now, would be clear new Policy from the top, and new managers who are not afraid to carry it out. (Note also, how over the last 10-15 years, the government of the day, have appointed more of their own allies to run it, and so the BBC has also gradually become a party political propaganda machine.)

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I do not hink the BBC's recent partnership with Disney is helping things at all.

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And Disney has been doing some weird things lately, like hiring people with direct ties to WEF, Weinstein, and Epstein.

Disney is poison, run Auntie Beeb!

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Very interesting the analysis of the effect of big corporation cultures, not necessarily US ones. Look at Boeing and how they deliberately turned it from a engineering company with safety as the focus, to one where 'shareholders' were the sole focus. They seemed to sneer at the pesky delivery end of operations, moving the HQ to signal that.

This is how bridges fall down, water is polluted and planes fall out of the sky.

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So well said👍.Cath's article resonates and is in absolute agreement with every rational person who believes in facts over fantasy. Well done to her and total shame to the BBC ,which has lost the respect of large sections of the British Public !! Their cowardice is contemptible and it's surely well past the time when REAL journalists at the beeb gain some courage and start speaking the TRUTH !! xx

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So glad I'm not finding this vile organisation any more. The licence fee is an abomination and needs to end.

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Lots of our institutions have been been infected, like with a cancer. But you don't kill the body, do you? You try and remove the cancer...

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Great comments everyone! And thanks again to Cath for her brilliant piece.

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Well said! And situations like trans orphans, the sons and daughters of (mostly) fathers who ideate a female persona and start calling themselves "mothers" is never reported on. Of the 34 offspring in this situation from my data of 56 trans widows (link below is from when I had 51) I found there were 7 who expressed suicidal ideation after the dad's "change' and of those 3 were hospitalized after a serious attempt. The toll on families is generally not reported, as per the website, "Trans Journalist Association Style Guide."


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Agree. The family impact of transition was ‘pitched’ to the BBC as a story, and rejected.

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Wow! Do you have any details on that? I'm writing a book which will be titled Trans Widow Chronicles, and I'd love to put this in. I am at the contact form in wordpress blog, uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com

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"Gender reports always attract extra eyeballs, but the additional scrutiny seems to do nothing except block accurate reporting and amplify the claims of activists. This is where it starts to look like propaganda."

Well, that would be because it is propaganda from the cult of trans. The BBC is just helping to support the "alternative reality" that one needs to adopt to bolster the delusional thinking that is the foundation of the entire existence of trans agenda. Societal brainwashing is nothing new as all authoritarian regimes rely on this to force compliance from the citizenry: https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/how-to-establish-a-new-reality-aka

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See Xi Van Fleet 'Mao's America'

Cultural revolution within a supposed democracy!


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Thanks, Cath. The BBC are beneath contempt . Lynne's stand was amazing and an amazing story but apparently not newsworthy!!

Will cross post 😎


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Most people here know this I'm sure, but let's not forget that as late as 2010, trans "women" were not pretending to be real women, and trans "men" were not pretending to be real men. Then, suddenly, the insanity of the ideology seemed to reach a pinnacle, and trans people decided, "Why not go for the gold and claim to be REAL women and men?" Of course, there had been trans people who believed in gender identity going back decades, but it wasn't until around 2010 that this "breakthrough" in ideology happened publicly. The reason I'm saying this is just to remind everyone that this insanity isn't that old. We can't allow it to GET old, however, because once it does, it will be with us forever.

(I became an anti-trans activist only around 2015, so if my timeline isn't accurate, please correct me.)

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The breakthrough for gender ideology came when gay marriage was passed in many countries. Gay charities found they were losing donations and needed a new cause. Along came transhumanist billionaires and big pharma who offered grants to anyone who was prepared to push gender ideology. The motivation for big pharma is obvious and for transhumanists the motivation is more complex and does sound like conspiracy theory…. they need a ready supply of healthy young bodies on which to experiment and they want to take reproduction out of the control of the ‘plebs’ and transfer it to the hands of a small, wealthy group which can then control numbers and type of person according to the needs of economies.

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Yes. Plus a useful extra advantage to billionaires- and anybody who doesn't like democracy- is that this weakens the whole democratic process, by stamping out freedom of speech.

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I note Haynes says in her interview "trans women are not coming over in droves" (I paraphrase), that they are "a small percentage", and "not a threat". Isn't this an implicit admission that if more trans players take up competing as women they are indeed a threat to the whole women's game? In fact, they would win most of the time! So much more to get steaming mad at in this excellent piece

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Yes, good points. But even if it WAS only ONE trans in every sport... they might each end up as the women's world champion !? Just one trans could destroy a whole sport category....

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I gave up my TV license in October. That meant uncoupling the two aerial leads and placing them in sealed cable boxes that would satisfy any scrutiny. We've still got streaming services - Amazon and Apple TV+, but the reality is that the telly is rarely on in our household. It wasn't on much before the license was given-up. The quality of drama produced by the BBC had been dire for years. The comedy...hopeless. Documentaries? Still utterly dependent on the 97-year-old David Attenborough. And BBC News? Well, biased, inaccurate, antisemitic, and comprised of white males pursuing agendas that circumvent - with managements acquiescence - all BBC journalistic and editorial standards.

I wouldn't mind the 'woke' stuff if the woke stuff was any good. Yet much of the BBC's output I saw before switching-off looked like its been produced by sixth-form students having a day in the studio, or on a film-set. In my world an inexperienced journalist is a 'cub reporter', someone who a local newspaper would trust to be able to do the Births, Deaths & Marriages section, and might just be safe to compile a summary of the local amateur soccer matches. Anything else? Make sure they are accompanied with someone experienced and when that isn't needed, never let them file anything that isn't thoroughly checked by a competent sub-editor.

BBC News seems to be filled with legions of 'cub reporters', those who are constantly subject to First Day Syndrome ("I don't know what I'm doing, I've never done it before").

Likely the willingness of Editors and managers to allow a casual disregard of the BBC journalistic standards has encouraged a general drop in quality because, well, if standards are ignored, why persist in trying to maintain quality? So a spirit of slow degradation takes hold/has taken-hold, and that will only accelerate as the current generation of staff and management give-way to the next (predominantly Gen-Z) newbies. And Gen-Z already has a reputation for overt homophobia and intolerance.

I can't see things getting better anytime soon.

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