
I notice no one seems to be attacking Richard Dawkins over his views. Just another reminder that those online claiming they are for trans rights are just misogynists who enjoy attacking women for holding views, any views. #IStandWithJKRowling

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I think they have diary reminder set to 'troll JK' every so often. Is there a vowel or consonant in the month? Then off they go. Or when they are asked to submit content to their 'papers' it's the laziest, and easiest way. Then they see a Tweet and that's also a reminder that they must concern troll and start the cycle of bullying off again. Short of power cuts or satellites failing I'm not sure how this ends.

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Yes, they clearly just hate women. I just want to scream at the men GET BACK TO ME WHEN YOU'VE BEEN HARASSED/RAPED/SEXUALLY ASSAULTED YOU VIRTUE-SIGNALLING TRA-CAPING FUCKHEAD (excuse French)

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It looks like those activists assholes don't even know why JK Rowling wrote what she did. Luckily, quite a few comments put them right. I enjoyed some of those responses. Interesting how those on our side seem considerably more articulate than the sweary trans activists.

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The vast majority of GC I've met are angry but they're also possessed of more genuine love and concern than any TRA, not to mention science, truth and reality...

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Wtf? “Trans face terrifying rates of sexual assault from the police”. Staggering that he was he allowed to write such BS. How many empty-headed numpties are now going to repeat that?

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I think the sexual assaults on trans people is largely another porn fantasy of theirs.

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Is this why the police paint their cars in trans colors? To reel in trans to rape?

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I have been checking for these staggering statistics daily but still nothing clearly defined. Apparently a lot in the community find it difficult to report. I know they exist but where are they?

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Maybe it's because, as we know, that trans are so shy about reporting anything that upsets them that the statistics would not do justice to them being 'literally' abused all the time, every minute of the day

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sorry it's "rates". That sounds like a spectrum. I'm honestly not taking the piss here, where are they?

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In the UK?

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Yes, it would appear that it's the UK where trans have terrifying rates of sexual assault from the police. The only thing I find terrifying is the rate of utter BS that gets spewed, and believed, regarding crimes against the 'innocent' T.

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The amount of never heard writers... crying their salty tears because an outstanding woman writer leaves them looking like idiots. …JEALOUSLY!

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The living in castle thing also really seems to be a favourite excuse for why they are wound up. How dare she! Do they all live in fairy tales?

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All women should be safe, but but but .. trans women should be safer ???

Or am I reading between the lines ?

Blue tick or not, they really don’t want to ‘get it’, or perhaps the Orwellian nuance went right over their heads 🤷🏻‍♀️

Maybe I’m too cynical, I just think they feel they’re on the side of the angels, and their careers could gain the scraps of trans kudos, while the wheels of the bus keep on rolling over women, and children.

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I’ve had a long spat with someone saying the U.K. must change its laws to make it possible for “cis women” to rape men. Using their vaginas.

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And our superior strength.

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It's like talking to flat earthers...

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This useful comparison comes up on a GB news programme about the Science Museum's stupidly giving in to trans activists along the lines that if flat earthers were to complain about certain exhibits positing that the earth is a globe, would they change their displays to accommodate this delusional minority? Which is also a fair point.

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Very much like that, probably. Here in California, we have evangelicals called Pentecostals. I have no experience with flat-earthers but I figure they must be a lot like the Pentecostals I’m familiar with (survived religious abuse in childhood). They’ve absolutely no ability to think critically and it’s actually quite disturbing to any rational person who attempts to converse with them about anything meaningful. How the heck did we get here? 😕

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Our local Pentecostal preacher told her congregation that every year a baby is murdered in town at Halloween. When someone told me this, I said the preacher needs to call the state police and tell them. (I was betting they already knew about this looney-tunes.)

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Some people used to think that Alice Cooper killed real babies on stage back in the 70s. In the 80s, people in Scotland were accused of satanic rituals and murdering real babies too. I blame the Wicker Man. Mental!

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The Scottish business was bizarre. I think there was some abuse in a particular family but the accusations spiralled & ended up with claims of naked dancing held in a quarry, in Orkney - in January!

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So the Satanic Panic took place in Scotland in the 1980s? Wow! My memory of it here was the 1990s, a major spreader being Oprah Winfrey. A fairly intelligent friend bought into the whole thing and didn't want anything to do with me after I disagreed with some local whacko minister that John Lennon was Satan incarnate. My first preview of trans cultism, which I'm betting the same person subscribes to.

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Oh what???

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We had that here in the late ‘70’s through until the ‘90’s. It was a social contagion previous to this “gender” one, and it was referred to as The Satanic Panic. Accusations of ritual child sexual abuse, etc. Didn’t know it happened across the pond, too.

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Evangelicals and Pentecostals in the UK too. A fine history of religious pluralism in the UK! *cough* please don't anyone leap on me for that, I am very well aware of religious tolerances and intolerances. And people have incredibly long familial and cultural shared histories going back many generations of who it's ok to slur or protect.

It's a useful if not chosen or comfortable training to know religion and/or abuse or war in your childhood, as if you survive it, it can give you a level of immunity to magical thinking and delusion. How this can sweep countries. Many of those that have been speaking out against this Butlerite glittereality speak with some authority. Many can then try to warn the others, so we are not resigned to repeating the same delusions time over.

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But I think it is very damaging! My father told my mother that if you haven't grown up in that environment you can have no idea what it's like. (My grandfather was "saved" by Billy Sunday, the model of Elmer Gantry, when he was 15.) My father switched all his evangelical training to politics, and a young man I know switched his Pentecostal training to worshiping science, to the point of unquestioning acceptance of crap (such as GMOs are entirely safe).

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That's why I asked not to be leaped upon :-). I do too, that was my point and I would agree with what your father said and have said exactly so myself. Of course, I'm not denying the extreme damage it does. Apologies. I wasn't recommending unsafe childhoods, war, indoctrination or abuse as a good academic teaching exercise. Maybe my poor choice of words and wasn't trying to make light. I have tried to explain some things to some people when they've been curious and asked - often only those who've been through their own baptisms of fire have any ability to comprehend let alone empathise with what I have experienced or how I could possibly know how twisty headed some people, groups or experiences can be, whilst still functioning in society and that being normalised. There's individual trauma, then wider generational, historical and societal traumas.

I think many people are still stuck thinking, just be nice, nothing bad happens in life and only bad things happen to bad people.

I was being fairly sarcastic (which I try not to be as I have respect for) religious pluralism and was trying not to focus on the history of Acts of Parliament, heads on spikes, beheadings, shootings, bombings, beatings and damage that religious adherence still does in the UK. I used to, and still have the hangover of often pausing before opening my mouth to speak as I know that an accent could mark me out as the other and how dangerous that was (sometimes still is). We're still coming to terms with those histories now. Here in peaceful UK.

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Yeah, because we, women, have really lived to see this become reality, haven't we?

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Hope they don't wear a uniform or wig, tights, gown or ermine, or wear a security pass for a living as we're all ****ed then.

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Can we have a thread of the blue ticks that stood up for JKR as a good news supplement?

Interesting that even on the open sewer that is Twitter that tide has turned a bit, the Indy got ratio'd on their post.

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In any remotely sane world a man gives up the right to have anyone give a flying fuck about his feelings once he becomes a rapist. But not in the 21st Century "developed" world, apparently.

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“Trans face terrifying rates of sexual assault from the police.”

This is what happens when you pander to a movement based on an imaginary grievance - "police transphobia" is still given as the "reason" that "anti-trans violence goes unreported," despite police around the country falling over themselves to appease all this stupidity; painting trans flags onto their riot shields and arresting women when trans activists ask them to.

Just like when the BBC finally got around to broadcasting its one and only investigation into gender ideology - a supremely even-handed podcast - the entire organisation was deemed "institutionally transphobic."

Talk about an abusive relationship - "If I just keep saying how sorry I am and how I'll do better next time, maybe then he'll be nice to me...'

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Omigod, you should read the post on Spinster from the woman who was traumatized by a man in the shower with her -- he had a boner of course, and wouldn't stop staring at her -- at her yoga class. She blames herself and literally grovels for being upset.

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How sad but then, when you think what happened at the Wi Spa - women are always asked not to make a fuss aren't they?

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Jesus H - that's depressing. Things are going backwards, fast.

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We need David Spiegelhalter to start a blog (or just one article please) debunking some of these madey uppey shitistics*. Then maybe people will begin to grasp it.

*Lies, damn lies and shitistics, sorry, statistics.

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The easiest thing to do to put an end to this nonsense once and for all would be to just stop validating them.

The other thing to do would be to reclassify gender dysphoria as a mental illness and start treating it as such.

Yes, it’s a very human thing to do to empathize and sympathize with someone suffering from a mental illness but - and I can’t stress this enough - nobody is obligated to, especially when they continue to disregard the rights, privacy and safety of others.

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That means getting the group of DSM 'experts' back around the room to de or reclassify. Or invent some new shit!

I'm not sure many are aware of just what a fascinating 'process' that designation is and how things get into the manual of madness. They have less of an obsession now with the fashion of 'flying objects' and 'wandering wombs' when they assess for mental health issues and seemed to have swapped that for affirmation models.

Imagine this. A mother takes her four-year-old daughter into a women's bathroom. No, no, darling, that man in a dress exposing his lady penis and moving it and his hand about like that is him expressing his feminist identity so we need to wait until a cubicle is free. Yes dear, he is a woman, he is a she, try to smile at her as if you look away you will be transphobic. So maybe we should stand and clap her as we wait. As she is so strong and brave. Keep smiling. We must never mention this again as it never happened, despite that lady taking selfies and Tweeting as she does it.

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And lying to children, which most parents do, is responsible for a lot of mental illness.

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That links to theory of mind doesn't it. The ability to perceive and that others are others and also perceive. That possibility that others know when we are lying or not reflecting a truth or shared truth and reality.

We appear to be encouraging false belief at a grand scale.

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Solipsism. It's an interesting thing to read about. Natural in children but should be outgrown!

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I am with you there.

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OMG !! 'Charlotte' Chymer fell hook line and sinker for the bait! They're really not very intelligent are they? I could kiss JK. She lights a little candle and they're falling over themselves to be first to show how clownish they are. No Charlotte, women cannot commit rape - you know it requires a certain appendage women don't have. If you succeeded in committing rape then it's because you're a man and not a woman. Ergo, as JKR points out, it's an utter absurdity to refer to a rapist as a woman. That's all. She said nothing more than that and you're all dissolving in apoplectic convulsions in the rush to give her the label of the most evil bigot in the world. You're sad and deluded and sold to the saddest most abysmal cult on the planet. So how are you gonna get out of this one? Are you going to tell us "oh yes they certainly can - women have often raped" oops that doesn't look so good does it - so then we definitely shouldn't be letting women with penises into women's spaces should we? Or shall we go with "no women never commit rape because . . . " erm well the only way to finish that sentence is ". . . because they don't have penises"? Oh no wait a minute that wasn't what you wanted to say either was it. Dearie me - what a quandry.

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So Fox here want to know if this trans issue really affects us.


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Right on William, thanks for being brilliant.

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Seth Abraham got singed yesterday by Roddy Dunlop QC who schooled him on Scottish Law(applicable) and Abrahams take on law(not applicable)

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JK Rowling’s is a blessing. She may be rich but there are a lot of other rich folks out there who wouldn’t dare speak up even though they think the same as she does.

Her sparse but succinct tweets are bringing much light to this issue and help sanity return.

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I don’t understand the last one, but this installment was horrifying to see, as usual. Thanks for keeping us posted on just how open the misogyny in media is.

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the last one is just for fans of the amazing documentary about the Chicago Bulls. Michael Jordan was always developing grudges against people he later crucified on the basketball court

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Another airplane meme for me. Thanks for explaining it!

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Jeez Louise, it's worse than I'd imagined. Never been on Twitter but looking at the sheer incredulity of these humans, I'm undone. Not only missing the POINT but trying to configure all actual recorded violence towards women with the unicorn statistics of fantasy damage. It's making it so hard to have compassion towards these dullards. Fuck it, let them imagine themselves in to actual violence: self harm, itchy scar tissue, fetishised intimacy ,NPD collapse. Nope, can't do it. People will need to be there for these fools when they get ground out the mincer.

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I think there is room for compromise here. Instead of referring to rapists as men, male, or he/him we could go with 'Penis-Retaining, Intact Criminals' or PRICs for short. Then the victim could say truthfully, "That PRIC raped me."

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