Ireland seems to be under a curse. Always to be afflicted with rulers who support the right of men in dresses to do terrible damage to children.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

'TransMother' Tedwina - noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Altho still think Mrs Doyle would make a great Pope. She'd keep children well away from those men in skirts.

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The only thing in that they could object about this questioning open article is the final paragraph, which as it was cancelled, kind of proves itself to be true in the wider institutions of Ireland as well as government. Chilling.

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You Graham, having grown up in a country weighed down by Catholic oppression, were quick to recognize the creation of a new protected “sacred class”. Oppression can capture or it can immunize.

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Agreed, as a child I was taught to believe in transubstantiation, which means I can recognise the same mystical argument now

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An older detransitioned woman wrote this excellent piece years ago, likening belief in gender transition to Catholic belief in transubstantiation and describing how the moment of inescapable truth which led to her detransition was when she came across heretically truthful pronouns - on a key GC site that later got suspended, of course. For 'a violation of our Terms of Service', aka heresy?


Her essay was the first place I saw anyone pinpoint belief in gender transition as quasi-religious.

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Thank you so much for this — wow! ❤️

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It's great, isn't it.

Enjoy and share!

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That is so revealing. My Catholic husband was a regular churchgoer and a good man but he wouldn’t take communion because he felt “unworthy”. This article is the first time I have seen someone explain that this means he couldn’t believe in it but doubted himself. What brainwashing must have taken place as a child!

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It still runs very deep in my family. In the way behaviours are managed and modified – in particular to control others. Fundamental guilt and shame. And you must forgive those who harm you. Very like the mafia in how deep and in how many aspects of yourself it can affect, even a long time after and you think you’ve moved passed that. It’s an amazing drug. It used to really upset me that people could do awful things, fess up, then spring out all forgiven to carry on the harm. Even now when my family nudges the guilt and shame button in me, it takes real presence of mind not to respond to it.

I hope this makes me more resistant to the magical crap the gender soul troupe dishes out. Which is why I’ve been watching the slide from Church power to Church power in Ireland in some horror. Natures abhors a vacuum and all that.

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'To suggest that gender identity theory is a new religion is not to denigrate the theory. My aim, as a phenomenologist, is to understand the belief and its associated practices without making value statements about its truth. I understand that gender identity is real for people who believe in it.'

We have to make a value judgment in this case. Because of its noxious effects on so many things affecting, mostly, women and children, this new religion needs to be stamped down.

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I agree. If there was a resurgence of one of the religions that actively pursued human or animal sacrifice, a value-judgement would be entirely appropriate. The Church of the Medicalised Child is morally wrong, and needs opposing.

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Wickerman scared the sh** out of me

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Absolutely agree. The writer is coming from an academic viewpoint and wants to preserve his impartiality - we are free to make our judgements about the moral implications, and to take action against wrongdoing.

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I meant her not his!

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haha ... at least you were impartial .... as she says, it's the compulsive rules on behalf of tiny minority reaching authorities without consent of population ....... without 'natural justice' ie hearing the other side before making a decision in a democratic state. It's that bit I don't like!

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You're right, a value judgement is not simply unavoidable it's essential. Because, as you point out, it is doing so much harm to women and to vulnerable children and young people. Much of the harm done will be irreversible, leaving people psychologically and literally physically scarred, not to mention the damage that results from puberty blockers and hormone 'trestment'.

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I've been thinking about Graham's commitment to the battle against The Madness, and how it connects to his brilliant writing of Father Ted. It seems to me that the two things spring from the same place, an exasperation and frustration about irrationality and people's refusal to see reality; and to not see how they're being conned (a frustration that I share in buckets.) When Father Ted first came out I was amazed that Ireland had produced something so irreverent (my favourite section is when Dougal (rightly!) shows that he assumes the resurrection etc is all made up and it still makes me fall about laughing though I've seen it so often I could recite the script) This article is brilliant - somebody on here used the expression 'church of gender ' recently, and the article extends that to a very convincing analogy. The rapidity of the acceptance and enforcement of the ideology scares me. Galileo often springs to mind.

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Love this post. Agree there is a vacuum where religion and beliefs once were and gender identity ideology is filling it like a new religion - but also think democracy is much newer and more fragile than lots of us realise and there’s a continuous pull, backwards and forwards - too many of us seem to like being told what to think and what to do by those who like to boss it.

The ancient religions weren’t meant to be like that. I recall a quote by the Buddha saying something along the lines of the importance of testing things to make sure they made sense, not just agreeing because he said it!

Never suspend critical, independent thinking - I think that’s where proper faith can come from and I think it’s a lovely thing. Enlightenment means “wake up” I think 🤔….

“Woke” identity ideology though is a cult with heinous people making money out of others confusion

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I would like to suggest that the problem is separating Church/religion from State - whether ancient or modern religions.

Not sayin it's easy but at least it may help if we GC heretics see that we're dealing with 'the Elect' [as John McWhorter calls em in Woke Racism] and understand that it is very difficult for some of em to contemplate any thought outside their self righteousness.

[btw even Buddhism can lead to authoritarianism when state sanctioned eg Tibet .... and certain of Buddha's teachings can be criticised for seeing women as lesser humans than men, ie maybe no ideology is immune from error whether ancient or modern/'post modern'?]

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I agree about authoritarianism developing. Was there a sort of serf system in Tibet? Not an expert in any of this…

Back to don’t believe things on basis of nothing - test it to see if it makes sense.

LGBTQ+++ makes no sense at all

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My mother told me that yes, people were serfs in Tibet. But a friend of Swedish ancestry told me that the overwhelming majority of Swedish people in the nineteenth century were also serfs (which is why they escaped to the U.S. if they could).

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Poor people

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yeah everyone was working for the monks to pray topped by the Dalai Lama - very hierarchical - not that I'm supporting Chinese regime either.

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Another mention of Woke Racism, must put it on my reading list! Yes, popular Buddhism can be as oppressive as any Western religion and even the more esoteric practices can lend themselves to exploitation (I've heard of some very unpleasant Zen masters). I don't know enough about Buddhism to know if scholars think all the teachings can be attributed to the Buddha, but he was an upper-class male after all. No stories of him outraging his society by speaking with, associating with, and eating with women which Yeshua did.

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As the Buddhist saying goes, "If you ever meet the Buddha, kill him." I hope people comprehend what this means.

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Does it mean ask questions always and don’t trust “religious experts” including when we put that label on our self? So comparable to gender identity ideology/ queer theory.

Always keep your boundaries and question everything …

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Yep religious experts come from standpoint - boundaries of reality are that 2+2=4. Whether you like it or not. Unless Einstein said they didn't haha.

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Thank you for in including this article, it's very relevant and accurately dipicts what's happening with some excellent parallels. How fucking depressing though that the people of Ireland have strived to gain freedom from an authoritarian, punitive and misogynistic organisation only to get caught up in another one.

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and gained freedom/independance from being a colonised country of the British empire .

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'Those things that you're liable/ to read in the Stonewall Bible/ They aint necessarily true'

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It's an excellent article and the fact that they dropped it reinforces Colfer's point. After the excellent Good News Supplement it's a depressing reminder that the New Priests are not letting go of power any time soon.

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Or maybe not? They can at least give CC a personal considered response even if they disagree. Was the article commissioned or on spec?

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Sorry your article was dropped Colette - hope the Irish Times can at least give you the decency of explaining why. The fact that Gender Wokery Religion is so powerful in formerly religious Ireland ties in with the idea that USA was a prime candidate for this, at a time when atheism has been increasing.

And perhaps why the GB is more resistant amongst most people despite Gender Wokery promotion - maybe especially England which has been so much less religious than other nominally Christian countries, traditionally including Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. At least this may be a factor since we humans find it so difficult to live without gods, tribes and ideologies, whether political or religious. Me too!

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I dont know who said it first but, "when the people stop believing in God, they'll believe anything else instead"

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I stopped believing in god because the dogma of my Catholic upbringing just didn't make rational sense. I've applied that same skepticism to everything in my life. It allows me to see through a lot of bullshit including the most recent ideology, transgenderism.

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Just a note on Substack being cancelled. If you use Duck Duck Go as a search engine it comes up. Suggest we all set that as our home page/default search engine to show support.

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Yes, this took me a while to figure out as I'm catching up on emails and notifications and DDG was letting me find stuff no problem.

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They are on the back foot- they know the tide is turning and the light is shining on them (Ie Gender ideologists) the only way forward it to double down and back track - which they refuse to do. They’ll get a lot nastier before this is over. So sad

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Excellent analysis

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Another female academic about to be hounded out of her job.

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Having flushed out the men in skirts who used another religion to cover their activities they figured their best alternative was to try to trans-mogrify into a post modern version of sacred class.

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