I hope you can get somewhere with this Graham. I was really shocked by Jimmy Mulville's admission in the recent Times article about you that he’d caved to younger TRAs and doesn’t actually disagree with your views himself. What a coward he is.

I really hope that I will be able to pay to see Father Ted on stage soon with your name in lights outside the theatre

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can you give us a link to the article?

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“If you're a theatre critic or industry professional who is interested in taking up this offer, please get in touch.” Come on you cowards - step up. 50% of the population would recognise your bravery, your capacity for critical thinking, your recognition of a grave unfairness and would show their appreciation- immediate sell out for years to come. Certainly we all need a good laugh these days. If you are a theatre lover who wants to see this show get on your Twitter feeds and bombard Hat Trick. “We want Father Ted in the West End”.

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More than 50%. The vast majority of the population are pro women's, children's and gay rights and are not science denying loons, thank God!

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Well over 50%!

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Good move Graham.

I hope you get some interest on this. There must be plenty of people who just accepted that you'd become persona non grata in the industry without ever knowing or understanding why. Surely some of them have now realised it was a witch-hunt?

Good luck!!!

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Good on you. (Jaysus--- I'm maybe the only non-Father Ted fan in the world--- but it would run a hundred years here in Boston, I'm sure--- without reading a word or hearing a note.... now, an I. T. Crowd musical... !) & Good luck. It's horrible what they've done. And it deserves a large injury $ettlement.

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aww you know you like it really - gwaan gwaan admit it!

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That would be an ecumenical matter!

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I cannot tell a lie.... I'm really George Washington!

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I demand a starring role!

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I offer my services as one of Mrs Doyle’s pals but I do need to have the Tuesday matinee off to go to the Bingo.

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

Haaaa! We should all get together, do some casting and then surprise Graham! I can't think of a part that's right for me. I'm happy as an extra!

Unless there are any sexy nuns, of course.

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We’ve already seen how mad people go for the show with Ted Fest, I’m picturing packed houses with front rows of fancy dress priests, nuns, housekeepers etc

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Can't wait!!!!!

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That made my evening! Thank you! 😂😂😂

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Mrs Boyle!

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I intermittently write a theatre blog on Substack called Yorkshire Theatre. I am a playwright and have knocked around in the performance-media space for decades. My instinct is that if the Father Ted musical was made available for amateur performance it would do well and create a small stream of income for Glinner. However, I don't know the rights situation.

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And what about your husband ? Whose going to make his tea ?

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That’s true, it all ended very badly last time.

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Being GC is all very well but there are standards .

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Go on, Go on, Go on!

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Good luck, Graham - I really hope this gets off ground and becomes the best selling show of all times.

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I think it would be a rip roaring success, my family and I would be first in line for tickets. Having an Irish RC mother and knowing loads of Irish people means that there’s possibly an extra depth to our belly laughs due to our experiences!

Very best wishes that you can get this sorted despite the measly cowardice of the Hat Trick people and others.

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(1) How about approaching Janice Turner of "The Times" and asking her to suggest a theatre critic, perhaps in-house or a freelancer?

(2) Or our "Fairy Godmother" herself, Jo Rowling? She must know a lot of people in films and their promotion business. And she is a consumate PR practitioner.

(3) Theatre critics at Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Spectator, Spiked, The Economist.

I'll keep thinking. Good luck, Graham!

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I have written this letter to the Stage newspaper 6 times without it being published: “I have been an Equity member for 55 years and am baffled. Could someone please tell me, given the number of members it would employ, the box office income it would generate, and the thousands of people who would want to see it, why is the already -written’Father Ted - the musical’ not on in the West End.”

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What a great idea 👍👍 Sadly not my profession but I'll be rooting for you 🤞🤞

Another request for an IT Crowd musical next please. What a great series of series that was.

A little light relief/feedback: what got me in to that was a colleague who told me I'd "done a Jen" (the internet in a box equivalent) when I once panicked as a student that I had accidentally printed out the whole internet back in the 90s. I thought I needed to select the area I needed to print, like you do in Excel. As I queued up to collect my printing, at 5p a sheet, I was genuinely terrified that it was going to cost me a fortune 😁

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Fervently hoping some honest courageous person takes this up ,Graham. This musical deserves to be seen and I'm sure it would be a hit as well. Shame on the cowards within the industry who cave in to the pitchfork mob. Well done to you ,Graham ,for standing up for your principles. You're a hero.❤️👍👏

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Free Father Ted!

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Would be a lovely way of remembering Dermot and Frank, who brought Ted and Jack to life.

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Not a fan of musical theatre myself, but I would love to hear/see "FT The Musical".

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It's a no brainer for a producer interested in making easy money. For start offs, they would have no problem getting an audience for it because A. all the gender critical people in the uk would buy a ticket to show solidarity with you and B. based on past results, the quality of the material would be guaranteed. I do hope you find a backer and a decent set of principled actors who aren't going to turn on you like some little tossers did to JKR.

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It is so shocking that so many people are so weak minded that they would put the deranged and loud voices of a tiny mob above common sense and thinking for themselves. This whole affair has made me far more realistic about the shortcomings of humanity- most people are stupid.

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notsomuch stupid as cowards and willfully ignorant? .... happy to follow others' fashionable delusions without thinking for themselves (ok stupid then)

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I had an idea - why don't you do a 'survey monkey' survey to all of your supporters to garner who would come and SEE the show?

Get it shared high and low all over the UK and Ireland.

Get the REAL numbers.

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