
Praise be!

Prostrates Moleself at his/their/her/zers/Xes/Xerxes feet.

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They've now put it on private. Will I ever find enlightment? 😆

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

I am not being told what rules I am to follow by a perverted man forcing his way into women's spaces by pretending to be what he clearly isn't. He, and the rest of the TRA liars can go stick their heads in an open sewer. I will never comply.

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He can live the life he chooses, but women who choose to do the same are kicked off Twitter for commenting

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I wish he'd pay my gas and electricity bill tho - that would def make him likeable!

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Yes the women who kick him out of their spaces are living the lives they choose and partly what biology chose for them. He's in denial of what he is.

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I think it's stunning and brave of him to liberate words from the meanings that someone else have assigned to them. In our leaves, obv.

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Isn't it just. It just leaves me to say it's almost uncannily like the Head of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Mridul Wadhwa kindly suggesting we 'reframe our trauma'. Oh of course mate, did attention temporarily get wrenched away from you? Of course, we'll do what you like if it gets you off, I mean floats your boat, I mean strokes your fetish, I mean makes you happy. Or you'll threaten us with something, the destruction of something.

Let's face it, 'inclusion' now means letting some psycho men do what they like, to whomever they like and where they like and congratulating them as 'stunning and brave'. It always did, but now they have a nice new word for it and a whole corporate enterprise behind them. And 'diversity' means diverting from all sanity, sense and logic. And 'equality' means anyone can spout any old shite and it's just as valid as anything else, so there.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

You're completely right, that is what inclusion means. Men like him can do and say whatever they like, and expect others to let this happen, say nothing but make sure they use the correct pronouns. And if some women exclude themselves, who cares? Not him, or the idiots who support him and make it possible for him to indulge his misogynistic fantasies and intimidate women, which is his aim.

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Oh well said! They are so good at spouting "any old shite"!

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haha yep too funny thx Ewen - def gonna use that in my next troll encounter.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Another day, another party political broadcast from the Malignant Narcissist Party...

Excellent article on the gender lunacy by Lionel Shriver today...


One of her many good points was to point out how particularly ridiculous this all is given the seriousness of the wider world's current plight - as she puts it, "we're fiddling with our genitals while Rome burns". Quite!

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Fiddling with our genitals while Rome burns, YES! This is particularly apt considering the Green Party's embrace of trans and in Germany militarism (one of the worst possible things for the environment).

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Lionel Shriver is great, she can always be relied on to analyse and tell anything absolutely as she sees it. Fearless integrity, a wit-informed conscience. She wrestled in defiance of girl/boy stereotypes herself, so I'd been wondering when she would fully take on board the transing of girls like she was and let rip. Lo and behold.

Is it allowed to post her wonderful 'Good riddance to the Tavistock' of 6 August in full, for those who may not click the link? Here goes:

'Most push notifications that pop up on my tablet concern impending catastrophe. But last week, one newsflash made my day. Glory hallelujah, the NHS is closing the Tavistock.

'A clatter of tattletales have warned since 2005 that the UK’s only clinic for minors confused about which sex they are – having been encouraged to be confused by British media and their own teachers – was fast-tracking children into often irreversible treatments in the service of ideologically driven ‘gender affirmation’. At last the Cass report has determined that the clinic’s practices are unsafe. The Tavistock will close by the spring, which by my calculation is seven months too late – if not ten years.

'A month ago, I noted that the trans craze is ‘anti-natalist’, because no one seems to care whether these doped-up kids will be able to bear children. But the phenomenon is also anti-a-great-deal-else.


Astonishingly, fanatical activists have brainwashed many otherwise, you would think, intelligent people into reciting like zombies: ‘Trans women are women.’ I can’t be the only one who reflexively translates when reading ‘trans women’: ‘Oh, right. “Men”, then.’ Thus our activist motto decodes: ‘Men are women.’ We might as well recite ‘Lamps are carrots’ or ‘Knitting needles are tractors’. Bearing XY chromosomes, a ‘trans woman’ is male down to each individual cell. However carved up, he cannot give birth or nurse; he doesn’t menstruate or go through menopause. His ‘transition’ is ornamental. Her transition is grammatical.

'Presumably, if we’re forced to repeat that biologically moronic mantra enough times, it becomes true. It doesn’t. The very feverishness with which this would-be tautology is crammed down our throats betrays that its proponents know they’re touting a lie: that our sex is in our minds.

'Yet a pliant legal apparatus now retroactively revises the sex on birth certificates, contrary to historical fact. Doctors describe sex as ‘assigned at birth’, as if determination of sex were as arbitrary as putting toddlers in the ‘redbird group’ and the ‘bluebird group’ in reception. Personally, whenever I’m confused about which sex I am, I pull down my pants. In fact, faced with any passing fog of girl-boy uncertainty, every night undressing before bed straightens me right out. Even small children can take this same simple pants-down test. It would beat the dickens out of the bilge Chris Rufo just exposed in the Portland Public Schools’ curriculum: ‘Some girls can have penises and some boys can have vulvas’, as ‘gender is like outer space because there are as many ways to be different genders as there are stars in the sky’. (It’s because of such nonsense that I am forthwith boycotting the word ‘gender’, which has become politically loaded and functionally meaningless.)

'While Black Lives Matter can market the subjective judgment that the West is structurally racist, trans activists aren’t promoting an opinion but the overt defiance of objective reality. We’re on perilous ground when we mainstream bald-faced lies. We’re being asked to lie to ourselves and to each other, as well as to deny our shared perceptions of the material world. Once we start down that road, there’s no limit to the balderdash we will swallow, or will be made to swallow.


Screen junkies forget this, but we live in bodies. They are not our invention. They’re not toys, like Barbie and Ken. They’re not infinitely malleable, mere canvases for our fantasies. It can’t be a coincidence that so many young people are suddenly determined to change their perceived sex during the digital era. But our bodies aren’t video-game avatars and cannot be rearranged at will with a pull-down menu. In elevating the subjective experience of self above the physical reality of us breathing, rutting bipeds, trans activists express an utter alienation from nature, to which the same younger generations claim to be so attached.


The notion that some people are ‘born in the wrong body’ belongs right up there with belief in phrenology (the Victorians), ‘wandering wombs’ (ancient Greece) or the vital medical balancing of ‘the four humours’, blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile (Hippocrates). We’ve come a long way, you say? Maybe not. Having embraced wrong-body folklore, ideologues are pumping children full of puberty blockers with no clue about the long-term consequences of this experimental off-label medication for their patients. No one really knows the results of cross-sex hormones over a lifetime delivered at scale. The drugs are distributed like Smarties anyway.

'According to the above conceit, I was born in the wrong body. I am 5ft 2in. But inside? I feel tall. My soul is tall. I experience myself as 6ft 5in. And because a terrible mistake was made when I was born and ‘assigned’ as this short person, I’m going to force everyone to look me in the eyes by staring 15 inches over my head.

'We’re not nearly as sophisticated as we imagine. We’re as prey to nonsensical manias, untruths and superstitions as we were in the 1600s. You’ve got to wonder, too, what’s wrong with a culture obsessed with pretending to switch sexes when hardly short of genuine problems. We’re fiddling with our genitals while Rome burns. And the trans fetish is doing untold, often permanent damage to children who deserve the protection of proper grown-ups.

'Maybe the Tavistock’s closure is a watershed, after which British institutions will gradually reconnect to reality, to nature, to science. But the trans trend has sunk its delusional claws deep into our schools, our media, our civil service. For adolescents often suffering from autism, anxiety, eating disorders or plain unpopularity, declaring as trans marks them as modern, cutting-edge. It bestows instant beatitude on previously shamed white kids. It’s a tantalising up-yours to parents. The NHS having just rechristened ‘gender dysphoric’ children as ‘early adopters’ is a bad sign; renaming is a flag of deceit. The witch doctors of the Tavistock could easily relocate to these proposed regional paediatric centres and bring their oil of newt with them. Still, the cheerful news story is a rarity. Let’s take a moment to bask in this one.'

Take that, all you damned 'affirmers' and other enablers of this life-wrecking cult.

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Perfection. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, TJ37 :)

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

It's great, isn't it. Thrilling how succinctly and powerfully she nails SO MUCH about this insanity, in such a short piece.

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Ok read it now - brilliant - thx v much and well done Lionel Shriver.

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yep I do agree .....thx for the link altho I'm trying not to believe this nonsense isn't part of some grand conspiracy before collapse. I read Shriver's dystopian novel The Mandibles - do not necessarily recommend. Ok gonna click

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omg, I just looked at the Reduxx site re. this cheating man. He's even more disturbed than your 'regular' agp cheat. Into all sorts of shady activities, and our wonderful Aja lost her twitter account for calling him an 'aging balding man.' Ha. That's the least of it.

He's into BDSM, wears 'explicit fetish gear' and calls himself a 'trans dyke'. There we have it again. Perversion joined at the 'trans' hip. A disturbed cult attracts disturbed souls.


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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

He works for TikTok...House!

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hmmmf 'trans dyke' too - whoda thort it. Def not an Italian het man with no special talents who craves attention.

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It is blackface. He is performing others' lives as it gives him a thrill.

Beware pity. I think many might initially feel a bit sorry for him as he clearly has a lot going on. He looks odd or troubled in some way. That is I think how they've been allowed to get so far - this empathy and instinct to be kind they are utilising to further their own boundary breaking and violations. They push more and more. They have a justification for everything - it all comes back to them deserving more and more. He likes boundary breaking in his BDSM performances and obviously thinks that same way in public and in the rest of our lives.

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yes can be a sucker for pity towards exploiters - true. Also I blame those allowing him to take women's places even more. Sadly but realistically, I expect exploiters to try to exploit but it's up to the rest of us to maintain boundaries n not let em in!

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Do ya think anyone knows that's a chap?

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If we all get a choice then I shall be Queen de Friggin Sheba

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I think I'll decide to be Boudica and go and burn his bloody town to the ground. Just being what I feel I am. (I'm actually quite a gentle person though! )

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Hard to tell isn’t it?!!

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If he's Giulia then I'm Marie of Roumania.

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yep he's great - we all need a belly larf!

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YES! They should all be called Guyliar 😂🙃🤣🤣🤣

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He's a likeable enough fellow on the face of things: too bad his "questioning that never ends" only focuses on his own internal state, feelings, and subjective sense of personal identity. His questioning never seems to extend to how his assertion that he's a woman...inside...negatively impacts his young female teammates and women's sport in general. The self absorption is off the scales with this one.

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I don't see anything likable about him and you have already listed the reason why he is such a disagreeable narcissistic delusional arse - and the weasel has the comments turned off on his video

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Based on his broadcast, there is nothing likeable about him, unless you perceive misogyny, narcissism, exhibitionism and conceit as commendable attributes. And compounded by his taking advantage of the dangerous and idiotic inclusion policies of a football club, that allows a middle aged man to play alongside teenage girls. I don't care what this man does in his private life, providing it's consensual and legal. But this isn't his private life, it involves other people, particularly their safety. Everything about this is abhorrent.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Look fwd to him joining ex-Moones n such ..... naivete cruelly exploited. Now I feel cruel. Don't we all get scammed if we live long enuf. I wish he him well in recovery n sorry I larfed.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

Glinner - think you're too young to remember the Yogic Flying Natural Law Party ads [on all 5 telly channels? or wossit 4] promoted by George Harrison bless him. [his song 'Taxman' as hint to why he did it?]. He did have a brilliant sense of humour. That Italian's youtube vid def should be broadcast widely as part of the Stonewall Mad Sturgeon Sandwich Tea Propaganda Worship Me Party haha.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfEekpBWrcI [note the rainbow]

'certainly our own lives are governed by natural law' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=438UKM1Av1g ... bubbling bliss .... radiating throughout the nation bringing coherence thru a group of yogic flyers who have reduced criminality .... creating a union among the European nations based on science.

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thank you for this!

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haha yvw - classique!

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I remember! Haven’t thought of it for years! Pleasantly barmy.

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Just another autogynephilliac seeking mainstream acceptance of their fetish as a civil rights issue.


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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

'and everybody knows' = more grifters. Thanks.

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I know exactly what his pronouns are.

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I don't understand why the parents of the girls in this team are allowing their daughters to play alongside this gobshite. I can't believe this is happening in Ireland. I know it is, I just can't get my head around it at all.

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'Giulia.' She/Her. Self-appointed cult lecturer. Where will he be able to go after the shit hits the fan? All these nutters who've left slimy digital trails that cannot be wiped away. I don't envy them their choices, nor their enablers.

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I have very little sympathy left. Some people get unpredictable when you repeatedly take the piss. He's openly breaking the boundaries of young women and people have been encouraging him to. Not a great move. He's a middle-aged man with fetishes who put himself out there and made a public spectacle of himself and now may get a really angry response. Not the atttention he wanted? That's the thing about courting attention. He uses the Suffragette colours to really press home how unaware, ignorant and provocative he is.

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I have read Jan Morris, spoken to members of my family who are like this chap, attended work seminars presented by Mermaids and Stonewall, even read a bit of Judith Butler (a bit like Joyce's Finnegan's Wake and frankly I don't have 20 years to spend on it!) and reflected on my own and their lived experience. Strangely I still don't think middle aged men should be playing contact sport with teenaged girls.

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It is hard to argue it is not a religion. Particularly like the glowgreen monk's habit.

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