Wonderful piece, Lauren! All they've got is lies and playing the victim, your response is dignified and measured

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Thank you for publishing this response. To get such a vile pile on is horrible. Absolutely reprehensible behaviour that goes unchecked and the papers aren’t brave enough to call it or print a letter calling it. Absolutely disgusting. Great response Lauren. Shame you were put in such a position in the first place.

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I've emailed the "Independent.ie" (misnomer, seemingly).

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Great piece. As the cult of trans starts to crumble, I suspect we'll see a lot more doubling down by the usual suspects. I also believe there's too much sunlight being shone and too few dark spaces left for them to hide, and well they know it. Waiting with bated breath for the tsunami of reverse ferreting.

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Thanks for publishing and providing the necessary info. Great response from Lauren which deserves to be published. I have complained by email.

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Pretty grim that they won’t even deign to give you a right to reply via letter. Cowards

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Great letter, perfectly balanced response. 'Panti Bliss' -- grotesque.

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Brilliant,himself and o'gorman think they are untouchable, finally the untouchable because touchable

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Superb response 👏👏👏

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There doesn’t seem to be even a pretence at balance in the media. Thanks for publishing Lauren’s response. Dignity and sense personified.

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"The final criterion for judging a group is the members’ freedom to leave. To put it simply, members of destructive cults are psychological prisoners. As I have explained, destructive cults plant phobias into members’ minds so that they fear ever leaving the group. By doing this, they shut the door on free choice. People had the freedom to join, but people don’t have the freedom to leave a destructive group. In fact, in the eyes of a destructive cult, there is no “legitimate” reason for a person to ever leave the group."

- Combating Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan

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Very well said, Lauren and good luck to you

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