Trans ideology appears to have given its devotees licence to be their worst selves. There are no boundaries to how badly trans ideology devotees can behave - this particular admonition of Simon Harrop is an exception. For some reason, they are given a free pass to not keep their nastiness in check. We’ve seen this before in history.

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I know it sounds lenient and that's what I thought at first, but I've been advised by people who have cause to know that suspension is a severe punishment. In terms of seriousness, its just below being struck off. It will be on his record permanently.

To set it in context, Harold Shipman (yes, that one) was caught misusing prescription drugs not long after he started practicing medicine in 1976.

He was reported to the GMC and didn't receive a suspension. In fact, he wasn't even struck off the medical register until AFTER his conviction as a serial killer.

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Thank you. It shocks me that this is really such a small group of the same men. They have such a disproportionate effect and they are clearly co-ordinated in how they attack others. Joint enterprise? They use a playbook and use it again and again. I can't understand how they are escaping wider condemnation. And the police can't do anything.

Why they've given him a holiday off for a month during a winter crisis is an odd decision and hardly a punishment.

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He will do something that will get him struck off. Men like him do not think with their brains and so will get cocky again. He actually think he is in the right... We simply have to wait and watch and remind women who are targeted that they should report to the police and support them to do that. Hate crime goes further than what has been publicised as protected characteristics and those linked to protected characteristics are protected... Older women, younger women... Hate being age driven... So many people forget this.

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Such a revolting person, Harrop

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I believe Harrop, and his ilk, are like the worst kind of religious zealots !

I’m sure his thinking right now is outrage, ‘how dare they ?’ and his hatred for the women he hounded and harassed… merely compound his delusions to continue doing his ‘trans gods work’.

I doubt if he can bear to remain contained, as he would see this suspension, so have we heard the last of this Ken Doll idiot ?

Absolutely not !

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People who are narcissists never change. The signs of megalomania are plain for all to see in certain people. They are deluded, imagining themselves to be VIPs amongst their chosen section of society. They are able to charm the birds off the trees when they need to, whilst they silently do all in their power to destroy those who dare to stand up and speak out against them. They are seriously dangerous people, albeit, cowardly when confronted, more often than not.

Any male doctor who has made it quite clear that they hate women...and made it clear publicly too, should never be allowed to remain being a doctor. The same goes for any female doctors who hate men. Neither sex should ever be in the grip of medical people who hate their sex.

As to children, any medical person with an agenda, let's say, having a desire to 'trans' as many children/youngsters as possible, having publicly disclosed the sense of joy felt at being able to start children/youngsters on their trans journey, should be struck off immediately.

Malignant Narcissists never listen to anyone but themselves, never back down, and these days, with the internet, never stop tracking those they deem their 'enemies'.

Hopefully, far more people will be tracking certain malignant narcissists than the other way round.

The GMC should have insisted that Twitter ban him forever, but hey, that sick site worships the likes of those who do repellant things to others, whilst blocking The Good Men & Women True.

I sincerely hope that one day soon Twitter's 'Jack' is sued to the moon and back for what he's allowed on his site, for the way he's treated women posters on there....and that the fact he's now resigned as CEO of Twitter does not protect him at all.

It is a vile site, a mega light for many vile groups who are causing chaos in the world and doing their best to destroy the lives and peace of women and children.

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The story has been covered in the Mail online and they haven't been kind. His GP surgery address too.

Let's face it Docs found guilty of sexual misconduct are still working so the only outcome was this. Let's hope he fucks up sometime soon.

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The eyes always tell it all

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He will fuck up again. He can’t help being who he is - something will set him off and next

time he won’t be able to claim he was joking. He has a pattern of behaviour and that won’t change with this “green light faux scare” - he’s arrogant enough to think he has a free pass and he will repeat his odious trope. Of course now he has form he will be on the radar as a troublemaker and that tag will never die - unlike his career that will have a shorter shelf life than he ever thought imaginable.

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Well... it's a start

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it's a very small level of justice. Also have you watched his YouTube video? That man should be no where near vulnerable or impressionable children at all!

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The treatment of Witness E, including by this very tribunal, is a fucking disgrace.

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Hayden decrying the wasting of court time in relation to this case was another moment to behold.

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Of all the professions that have betrayed the public's trust during the gender ideology crazymaking circus the MDs are the worst. Supposedly the most highly educated, smartest people in our society - the people you must trust with your life and health - behaving like their collective IQ is that of room temperature (at Celsius). What an absolute disgrace (and try finding a medical institution that hasn't been linguistically a_ _fucked by the Gender-Assigned-at-Birth-Sorting-Hat-Wearing Wizard).

One of the victims of the state-sanctioned horror called "transgender medicine" is Scott Newgent. At age 41, Newgent spent $1 million on so-called "transgender healthcare body modifications" straight out of the Mengele Medical Manual: "During the process of medical transition, I had seven surgeries, a massive pulmonary embolism, a stress-induced heart attack, sepsis, 17-month recurring infections due to a [failed] phalloplasty requiring arm reconstructive surgery, multiple rounds of antibiotics, including weeks of IV antibiotics, and resulting in a permanently handicapped arm." https://www.trevoices.org/post/gender-dysphoric-patients-suffer-at-the-hands-of-unethical-doctor-trans-ideology-is-crumbing

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Sounds like he got the equivalent of a week in his room and no XBox.

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