I looked at SWE's recruitment equality monitoring in 2020 and pointed out the issues I saw. They never responded. I looked again today - their form had changed but not in a good way, so I pointed out all the new issues. They still don't seem to understand the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010:


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Thank you so much, Alan, for your dogged determination and perseverance with so many public and private bodies over these important legal issues. It is mind-blowing that, having employed hundreds of (?highly qualified?) staff in HR they are STILL mostly getting the legal framework and the definitions wrong. "Keep up the good work!"

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

How many young professionals around the country are afraid to speak up for biological fact given these examples of what happens to them if we do? Take a look at Nina Welsch’s letter to Nicola Sturgeon on Twitter. This 29-year-old teacher is too afraid to use her real name for fear of losing her job, but she knows trans ideology is a load of crap. That’s why Boomers like me speak out so loudly. We won the rights women now enjoy and the wokerati can’t touch us when we speak up. The more we do the more we help enable our younger sisters to join us.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

You are so right with your comments. Women are prevented from speaking out by policies that they have to follow for fear of losing their jobs. So many organisations have either misunderstood or deliberately misrepresented the law, meaning that employees are tied into policies that are unlawful but used as leverage to suppress or remove any staff member who dissents. In my case it's the way that the Equality Act has been completely misrepresented and adapted to suit gender ideology. The vast majority of people assume that legislation mentioned in policy documentation is represented 'as is'. Most people are not cynical enough to even consider the manipulation that's going on. I dearly want to point out to my employer the huge issues with this policy document and other issues with how gender ideology has completely infected my place of work. But I can categorically state that this would mean the end of my career. No ifs or buts.

What we need as a start is total transparency re. The Equality Act and its categories so that it absolutely cannot be manipulated in the way that it has been. And organisations must be told that they have to adhere to the law. It's not about whether they like it or agree with it. The policy in my place of work blatantly says that the law is incorrect. That should not be allowed.

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I am another boomer and I am so glad I don't have to experience this personally. I am confident it will come to an end though, and possibly sooner than I first thought. Hopefully, in the not too distant future your organisation will review and amend its policies.

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For some reason I can't like your comments but I strongly agree with this and Elizabeth's comment! I think my organisation has managed to remain unindoctrinated for now - by keeping our heads down and having a culture of not being cool or politically influenced! Which preserves our work but doesn't push back on the wokery - but if I had to move job, I might be stuffed. When the Allison Bailey and Maya Forstater results came in, I was v relieved and much more hopeful.

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I recall Maya Forstator saying those who are less at risk should speak out. Older people are leaving the workplace in droves - would be great if they could mention this corruption before leaving

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A great many female nurses, teachers and social workers are being held hostage.

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Yes, it really feels like that. I think there are a lot of women in my age bracket especially (40 ish to 60) who feel afraid to speak out. When an academic of Kathleen Stock's immense standing gets the treatment she has, it's a message to everyone.

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Social workers in England must be told who this complainant is so that he can be blocked and excluded from all circles of trust. No one is safe with someone like that in the rank and file.

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Perhaps the safety of numbers will have an impact. This declaration launched today, and I urge folks to sign it: http://www.beyondwpath.org/

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Signed but too many trolls have jumped in

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The process is the punishment.

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This is a great article, thank you.

Funny though about the Harry Potter cartoon that the Draco Malfoy character is actually the hero and the three others are the villains. Tom Felton recently praised JK Rowling, even though he did not get to know her as well as the three ungrateful snowflake who starred in the movies.

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Thank you to all concerned in publishing this and for highlighting the madness that is all too present these days in local authorities, health organisations etc etc.

My eldest daughter (a sensible and caring young adult) is just embarking on a career in SW. I have showed her this enlightening article and hope it will help her to steer clear of this lunacy

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

It is not just women. Many men have problems expressing their views. And it is not just GC people. If you disagree with Critical Race Theory and refuse to promote de-clonisation or Unconscious Bias you are in trouble. I know a young male teacher. He is Conservative, voted for Brexit, is a practicing Catholic is GC and has traditional values. Whenever these issues come up for discussion he leaves the staffroom in case he is asked his views, and be left with a choice of lying or compromising his job and/or being sent to Coventry. I retired a year and a half early....because I could see this coming to my workplace. I am now free! I am fortunate as I have no livelyhood to lose and the mortgage is paid off.

Of course CRT and QT are both children of the post modernism theory, developed by French leftbank Marxist philosophers like Foucault. Many of them were paedophiles and even lent their children to others in their circle or flew to Tangiers for child prostitutes. Barry Wall has an excellent post explaining the intellectual origins and connections between QT and CRT.

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reminder that Rachel Meade is still fundraising her costs https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/unlawful-discrimination-by-soc/

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Yes. I have just contributed and tweeted.

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Brilliant piece. The actions of SWE are just mind blowing. If THEY won't protect children ,then who will ? Not the NSPCC ,either ,it seems.👎 I can't believe all this is happening in developed countries. People have lost their minds. However ,so pleased with the outcome and hopefully she wins the employment tribunal case 🙏❤️

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My experience with social workers was utterly abysmal, and I would guess that the ones I had to deal with as a foster parent / mentor have all signed onto queer theory. When I told a woman who ran a horse rescue -- and who had worked for years in the prison system -- about the girl I was trying to mentor and her caseworker who cut me off because I wasn't willing to immediately sign on to providing respite with the child never having even visited my home, she asked me:

"Susan, why in hell do you want to have anything to do with those people?"

I took her words to heart and swore off having anything to do with social workers ever again. The only legitimate social workers in my opinion are those who help people PRACTICALLY; that means helping people find housing, access to food, the health care they need, moving, transportation, etc. This is what H.O.M.E. does in Orland, Maine.

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This might be me being technologically thick. Wouldn't be the first time. But when I try and pledge to Rachel Meade's fundraiser, the sum my bank asks me to verify is £0.00. Is this what is supposed to happen?

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yes just verify it and the sum you put in originally will go through

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Thank you. Will do.

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