I am so angry about this I can hardly see straight.

Anyway, even GRC holders do not legally have access to women's spaces, so it appears after a statement at Maya Forstater's recent hearing (Ann Sinnott of Authentic Equity Alliance intending to take crowd-funded action against the wrong guidance that does not reflect the Sex Equality Act 2010, being used by organisations). I used to work in al all-women charitable housing association for vulnerable women and heard some terrible stories. I bet this AGP gets off on them, and I bet he shares them with his pervy friends too.

The women who are enabling this outrage? They're as guilty as he. No, more so - he is obviously not well. I don't believe they have the same excuse to be complicit.

Weakness and wokeness are NO DEFENCE. Karen Davis, on Youtube, "You're Kiddin', Right?" has slammed into this vile man, pulling no punches. I note she has 3 times her typical video views in the shortest time on this.

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thanks for the heads up. Karen is a hero for putting herself out there in becoming a face of terfdom online. I watch Kellie Jay sometimes but I'm very put off by her Trump praise...I've kind of sworn her off for implying American women are just too stupid to vote for the right candidate, something I'd wouldn't dare to say about another country's electorate, especially female.

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I despair of men such as these and despair of the women who support them.

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This is fucking disgusting.

As many of you know, in 2013 Vancouver Rape Relief was defunded by the city council for refusing to provide its services to TIMs. They survive on their own fundraising efforts now. I looked on their donations page and saw that several people are donating expressly because of their stance on trans issues. Maybe more women's charities should take the risk and go it alone.

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It breaks my heart that TiMs are getting these charities defunded. But the truth is women have always started services like this, in the beginning anyway, on pennies. From the invention of money it is not something men wanted to share with females except their own genetic spawn til they sold her to the highest bidder. So this has regressed women's gains in culture.

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Unbelievably shameful. I despair

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Karen is brilliant. “A magnificent cavalcade of unhinged narcissm” Graham should do a chat

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What can be done? Is there any body or authority that can be appealed to? I’m totally sick of this shit. Vulnerable women and victims of sexual violence deserve more!

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The OSCR is the Scottish equivalent of the Charity Commission (I am guessing that OSCR stands for "Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator" - guessing because I can't see it explained anywhere on their website).


"We are the independent Regulator and registrar for Scotland’s charities, including community groups, religious charities, schools, universities, grant-giving charities, and major care providers."


*How OSCR deals with concerns and inquiries*

In this guidance, we explain the options available to OSCR when we become aware of a concern about a charity, or when we identify that something is not operating as it should. The guidance is split into sections to help you find the information most relevant to you, whether you are a person or organisation who has a concern about a charity, or a charity that is the subject of a concern.


*Charity Concern Form*

Before completing this form, we recommend that you read our guidance How OSCR deals with concerns and inquiries which sets out what you, the charity, and the public can expect from us. In the guidance, we explain the options available to OSCR when we become aware of a concern about a charity, or when we identify that something is not operating as it should.


*The End of an Inquiry*

At the end of an inquiry we will assess the information we have obtained.

We will consider whether there has been misconduct in the administration of the charity or mismanagement by the charity trustees, the circumstances of this, any corrective action taken by the charity, and any intended actions of the charity’s trustees.

We will also look at any ongoing risk to the charity, its assets or its beneficiaries.

We will decide:

whether we need to take any formal action (which might include applying to the Court of Session for it to use its powers in relation to the charity and/or the charity trustees), or

whether it is more appropriate for us to provide support to the charity’s trustees in the form of recommendations for improvement which we may monitor, or

whether all risks have been addressed and no further action is needed.

We will write to the charity trustees to let them know the outcome of the inquiry and, where appropriate, any further action or monitoring.

Where we have used our formal powers, a charity, individual trustee or an organisation representing itself as a charity has the right to ask for a review of that decision and ultimately to appeal under charity law.


*Charity Law*

Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005


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This is exactly the same as Rachel Dolezal. Here is an excerpt from an interview she gave. I would love to know how it differs from the claims made by Mridul Wadhwa:

In the living room of her modest house in Spokane – still sporting the hair and skin tone, her “glow”, as she puts it, that so infuriated her critics – she weeps at what she regards as the injustice of the collective judgment against her. But Dolezal is not apologising for anything. She denies she lied to anyone. If people were confused, she says, it was because they didn’t ask the right questions. Above all, she remains firmly wedded to her insistence that she is black.

“For me, how I feel is more powerful than how I was born. I mean that not in the sense of having some easy way out. This has been a lifelong journey. This is not something that I cash in, cash out, change up, do at a convenience level or to freak people out or to make people happy,” she says. “If somebody asked me how I identify, I identify as black. Nothing about whiteness describes who I am.”

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Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre - 'trans & BME women', as if they're just describing different kinds of women, like blonde, or athletic, or studious.

The construction of that sentence is very revealing. If they said 'all women including BME & trans women' they feared it would show a sliding scale of validity, with BME women ahead of the men.

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Absolutely, Agnes. How they give themselves away. Such an appalling racist trope, grouping black women in with trans identified males. Black women are not a subset of their own sex!

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There’s a long-standing racist / misogynist trope that black women are “manly”

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I read somewhere that Wadhwa’s research interest is in whether women orgasm during rape. Can’t find it now & don’t remember where. Can anyone confirm or refute?

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Hi Corisande. In this interview with The Student he talked about the myth of women orgasming during rape. But then he went on to say that victims can't controls their body's response, as if to imply that it does happen. Almost as if he has no idea what he's talking about, isn't it?


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Thank you!

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It's still a disgusting subject for anyone. There is the idea that men who are raped often get an erection during the rape. I'm not sure if it is true or not. I don't really want to know except to say that, if it is true, then there may obviously be repercussions of guilt and revulsion by the victim. Even if it is true that a woman might orgasm during rape, is it something that should be openly studied and written about other than in psychology journals and medical journals etc. Surely it's not the sort of thing anyone needs to know unless they have been raped or are part of the healing process for those who have been raped

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You really really don’t want a bloke in a sari asking you about it, do you!

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To be honest, if I was raped I wouldnt want any man asking me about it. As a man I think I would find it easier to talk to a woman about it. I often think a woman would find it easier talking to a woman too.

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Imagine the impact if he had to explain this poisonous shite in a court of law ?

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Is he doing on-going research into whether men pretending to be women 'orgasm' when given jobs specifically meant for real women, I wonder? My anger floweth over, as does my absolute revulsion about this, not just with the man himself, but with the idiots who have placed him in this position, their first thought for wokeness, not for women who have been raped/sexually abused/traumatised by males in the first place, only to find themselves in the 'care' of a male who chose to hide that he is male, (!!!) whilst making the rules for vulnerable women. Honestly, if you turned this story into a film, the audience would walk out in disgust, not believing what they were seeing, thinking those who made the film were 'havin' a larf'.

Not that long ago, pre the dreaded and dreadful GRA, I'd imagine police would have been called in to sort this horror out, yet now, even the police are a party to this sinister, misogynistic insanity and grave disrespect for the safeguarding, privacy and dignity of women.

The top photo and the title say all as does his interest in women orgasming during rape.

Makes me feel sick to my stomach.

As always, JL, a brilliant post, and much needed to make as many as possible come to their senses and lose their fear of speaking truth, of speaking out.

Thank you xx

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Thank you so much, Ellen. That's very much appreciated. And I agree wholeheartedly. His exact quote from this interview is, "The other myth is that your body may react in a physical way to sexual violence including an orgasm but that does not mean that it’s not rape because that’s a physical response. You can’t control how your body responds to violence.” Aside from it being confused and contradictory, it's sickening that a male should be talking so blithely about women's experiences of rape.

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As a man, I would not feel at all qualified to council any woman about it. In these times when police are a rare sight on our streets, outside of their cars that go by with sirens screaming, I worry a great deal about where my wife is and whether anything will happen to her. If anything like that happened to her, even though I am the closest person to her, I would feel completely inadequate for the task of giving advice or daring to even suppose what impact it would have on her psychology. What man could understand to the extent that they are the voice of rape crisis in a situation where a woman is a victim of rape?

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I saw it mentioned in a reply on another post on Substack but it was just an assertion, no idea if it is true.

Vile if it is!

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Hi Genderwang. Oh just replied to Corisande above on this.

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You and Doreen Schmoreen both! Quick off the mark! :-)

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Oh gawd: “I can’t see anyone abusing self ID” says man who presumably therefore believes that rapists, paedophiles and violent sex offenders in prison would NEVER tell a lie to get access to women, children and to incarcerated women.

Nope: violent & manipulative predators can be trusted without even a pinky swear.

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but he abused self ID. I mean, he invented self ID that didn't exist yet in law, for himself, and then abused it. Maybe he meant it wasn't possible for him to watch himself doing it?

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I think the principle is “because I say so”. If he says he didn’t abuse self ID, well, that must be it then. Much like his being a woman.

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Thank you! That was what I’d seen before!

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To that second link (https://twitter.com/msbedlam_caz/status/1325689754403311617?s=19) I realised the best reply was "@JacquiFromSheff"

"how does he know" succinct, packed full of truth, for me, end of story

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they need a legal challenge and the women who appointed him need suing and sacking

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It goes to show you that charity's like these dont care about the women who use the service,its all about funding .......show me the money

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I believe transgender people have the same right as anyone else to gainful employment, but there are certain jobs and positions where SEX matters and gender identity does not. Working in a rape crisis center with vulnerable women who've been assaulted by MEN is one such job.

Can't the billionaires funding this movement just create shelters and crisis centres for trans people? Safety should be more important than affirmation.

Call me cynical (or Loretta 😁) but I can well imagine that the uber-woke who make these decisions will never have to encounter these TIMs whilst vulnerable.

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Nail on head, Loretta. I couldn't agree more that trans people need and deserve the same employment rights as anyone else. But there are certain jobs that require specific personnel. Single-sex provisions exist for a reason. As for the setting up of specific centres and shelters for trans people, I think the opposition is the same as the opposition to offering a third option with bathrooms or changing rooms. What so many trans identified males require is validation (the service itself is only of secondary importance) so it's the ladies' or nothing.

And, yes, the uber-woke who pander to these narcissists usually do so from a position of privilege. They can argue for males in women's prisons, shelters, refuges etc because they know such policies are never likely to affect them. Same as those arguing so vociferously that sex work is work... safe in the knowledge they'll never have to do it.

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Wadhwa is a perfect example of the unrehabilitatable Evil that warrants capital punishment.

More sickening than his blatant predation, though, is the notion that society, especially women!, would sit idly by and permit this to occur while pretending it's moral.

I am ever more deeply invested in confronting those responsible and demanding that they publicly justify their endorsements of Evil.

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This story pissed me the fuck off so bad yesterday 😡😡 am still fumin 😤

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Another charity suffering an identity crisis. What does gender based violence actually mean given there seem to be 100 plus genders. If a trans women is misgendered in a loo, which is apparently verbal violence, can they seek support from the Edinburg rape crisis centre given they have ‘suffered’ gender based violence?

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Why is it always the freaking SNP who are associated with these morons?

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Not just the SNP. The Greens, Lib Dems and Labour are just as bad. The Greens are probably worst of all. They don't even recognise that women exist, having decided that their membership consists of: men, non-men (then a whole list of trans-types).

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Yes the Greens, Ah Aimee comes to mind with them apparently not being aware that a serious sexual offender was her campaign manager

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Scottish Greens are right charmers too:

"The Quiet Part Out Loud"

- The latest group to come out in defence of the ostensibly openly paedophiliac “Feminist Declaration” which was signed up to last year by a number of Scottish organisations is the “Rainbow Greens”.


"Greens in Black and White"

(some lovely "ladies" for your delectation)


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Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre has just appointed its new CEO. He’s a man... Is it possible that this kind of insanity will ever stop? What is it going to take before politicians and judges and Lawyers and charities and NGO's wake TFU?

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