It is spectacularly ugly and why is a monument to murdered male sex workers from Mexico and brazil in london? Why isn't it in their own country? The "artist" sounds a but unhinged to me

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Mexican women have their hands full memorializing the women victims of the horrendous femicide that has been occurring in Mexico for decades.

I want to think that gringo intersectionality and the gringo culture of victimhood haven't infected Mexican society to the point where Mexican women would feel obligated to show allyship for trans women prostitutes who were murdered when they placed their lives in danger one too many times. What is a trans woman prostitute but a screwed up male whore?

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WOW!! many trans prostitutes are sexuall abused boys and the only way forward and option to make a living. WOW! How the hate is created on here, from Yes the aggressive trans activists to poor pauper sexually abused boy prostitutes in 3rd world What a privileged white western bitch you are. Yeah lets take it out on them. When it comes to vilence sexual abuse and murder we are not in competition It is who is acceptable and target to be a legimitate victim as they will be ignored and considered nothing.


Each person is an individual being murdered. and orobably raped and tortured before.

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Murder is horrible and sadly anyone who works as a prostitute is vulnerable every time they go with a punter but I have to ask what has race got to do with this? And why mention hate? Stating facts is hate?

Yes, of course it is when facts run counter to what some people think. This substack deals in facts. It highlights the risks to the well-being of confused children and vulnerable adults who are conned by a theory which tells them they can be whatever they think they are, when, in reality, they can't. Instead they end up damaged physically and psychologically. They can also end up dead because ultimately no-one can cheat nature and reality.

It highlights the risks to the safety and privacy of women, children and vulnerable adults when men are allowed into places where they should be safe. It highlights the unfair entry of men into women's sports when they've had the benefit of male puberty.

It highlights how gay people are not allowed to say they're same-sex attracted because sex doesn't really exist and therefore they should accept advances from people of the opposite sex which they would find distressing to say the least.

If you don't like dealing with facts then you're in the wrong place and maybe should move on.

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She's thinking women of whatever colour, victims of (usually male) violence for millennia. This is what this site is mainly about, as women's rights and safety have been sacrificed to gender ideology and, of course, money. Do you're trolling somewhere else.

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I don’t like the word “whore” being used to bring down anyone, but “think white”? You are very naive if you think denigrating the prostituted or male violence is a white or western concept. Unfortunately, Mexico has misogyny and homophobia to spare.

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Now we need that person who was painting over the pride flags on the ground in Forest gate to sneak up to this and splatter something on it.. hmm which colour I ponder? Red? Then paint the true number of women murdered this year alone in the world.

Will 89,000 (2022) do?

See here:


In 2023, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) published highly concerning findings from 2022 on the scale of the situation including that:

• Nearly 89,000 women and girls were intentionally killed that year, making it the highest yearly number recorded in the past two decades.

• While the overall number of homicides globally has begun to fall in 2022 after a spike in 2021, the number of female homicides is not decreasing.

• Around 48,800 women and girls worldwide were killed by their intimate partners or other family members. (On average, more than 133 women or girls were killed every day by someone in their own family.)

• While most homicides worldwide are committed against men and boys (80% in 2022), women and girls are disproportionately affected by homicidal violence in the home: they represent approximately 53% of all victims of killings in the home and 66% of all victims of intimate partner killings.

• Women and girls in all regions across the world are affected by this type of gender-based violence.

Oh the rage!

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The difference between men and women victims is that the vast majority of men who are killed are killed by other men, while most women who are murdered are also killed by men. So it's men who are doing most of the killing. That explains the statistic: "men commit 97% of violent crimes."

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I read the following somewhere: men’s and women’s murder stats are the reverse of each other. Women are killed more at home, or by stranger violence. Men tend to killed by associates out of the home.

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Gender identity ideology fosters a culture of lies and denial of the obvious truth.

First of all, Mexico and Brazil have exceptionally high homicide rates regardless of the sex of the victim. It's impossible to generalize from those societies to the nations in the developed world that have been captured by genderism.

Secondly, if trans activists and their allies are so very concerned about the lives of "trans women of color," then they should do what gay men did in the face of the AIDS crisis. They must counsel avoiding high risk behavior. In this context, it means urging black and brown men living on the margins of society who "identify as" women to avoid such high-risk activities as prostitution and dealing in drugs. ("Sex work" is for badass upper middle class career girls who want to shock their mummies and daddies by doing something very naughty on the side.)

Trans activists and their allies will never urge BIPOC trans women to be more careful. Like Donald Trump, trans allies believe they can create their own reality if they simply deny the obvious and lash out at critics harshly enough. They know that it won't do for the well meaning suburban middle class mom who is a full-on trans ally to have her mental image of a trans woman be a black male drug addict turning tricks in a carioca favela.

What no trans activist or ally will say because they're afraid of being canceled for telling the truth is that men who are able to pass as sexy young women are risking their safety and lives every time they turn a trick with a straight man. At worst, the punter will have been taken in by their appearance only to discover to his horror that there's a penis where a vagina should be. This can produce homicidal rage. Wishing it were not so won't make any difference. Even if a straight guy has a tacit understanding that he's with a shemale, the inadvertent disclosure of his sexual proclivities to other men in his circle can also redound to the detriment of the prostitute in serious ways.

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23 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

That act of trans catfishing is "rape by deception." Perpetrating such a scam is deliberately playing with fire. All people have the right to choose which sex they want to have sex with without being deceived into an act they'd never voluntarily participate in.

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Prostitution has always been a dangerous business, with most of the violence committed against actual women and girls - more often damaged, drug addicted and underage girls than middle-class rebels - which is why feminists have fought so long to end it or at least make it less unsafe and ensure underage girls are not drawn into it. A friend of mine a long time ago found himself with a man dressed as a woman in a bar, not a prostitute (he said), whose Womanface totally fooled him. He was stunned to find back at his apartment that 'she' was really a he and did his best to extract himself from the expectation of sex without anyone getting hurt (apart from hurt feelings). Apparently some men, bisexuals perhaps, don't mind learning that the person they thought was a woman has a cock and balls, but the majority surely do mind, and that is fair enough. The male ego is fragile. These men who expect to con other men to get the sex they want expect too much. Women spend our whole lives trying to avoid triggering the fragile male ego, well perhaps not *whole* lives. I'm done with it, to be honest. But it's something women know we have to manage (with our teen+ sons too). This whole trans shit show is pandering to that fragility, dressing it up as the courage to 'be your true self'. There is no courage in it whatsoever. It's male vanity, arrogance and entitlement, perversion, self-pity and misogyny, with a side of homophobia for the straight ones and perhaps some of the gay ones too. That memorial sculpture is as fake and ugly as these motives are. They have inadvertently shown the true essence of their ideology.

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My god they've made Trafalgar Square and the National Gallery ugly

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Right on , Graham!!! Once again you cut trough the bullshit!! Thank you!!

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It's awful... a big patchwork of men mocking women, complete with the trowelled-on makeup and false lashes that these men use to pretend to be a hyper-sexualized, pornified version of us (despite the artist's morbid obsession with dead bodies, the casts were taken from living TIMs in Mexico City and London). It deserves to disintegrate under bird poop. An illusion of meaningfulness that melts in the face of reality. Fitting. P.S: "works with fluid from the corpses that are brought in from the street" is a horrific sentence and sounds like a moral and hygiene nightmare that would never have been allowed to happen anywhere more civilized than Mexico.

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Thanks for highlighting this Graham.

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Isn't this what males get when making fools of womenhood; someone tell them that being female is a life risk!

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Last year, on the back of the reporting of "trans homicides", I did a Google search, which came up with a list - not large - of transwomen who had been murdered. So many of them were indeed sex workers, and most of the rest were killed by a partner and not marauding anti-trans fiends So many in Brazil and Mexico, as you report Graham. As someone else here says: why the hell are we giving over our coveted fourth plinth to these people? Remind me please -

how many actual women have been killed in the UK this year alone?

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The artist works with fluids from corpses from the city morgue of Mexico’s Federal District? That’s really gruesome. Do the family’s of the deceased know? I’d be devastated to learn my loved one’s remains were used in some edgy sculpture.

It just seems like people aren’t reading the room over there in the UK. That is a hideous sculpture that scolds people about the death of men a continent away. I’m sure these men’s lives were very sad and unlucky, if they were involved in prostitution.

I also hate the art world thing of elevating artists who are all feeling and intention and zero craftsmanship.

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Remember the slurry lorry in Father Ted, Graham!

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That monstrosity, which blocks the view of the square has no relevance or relationship to Britain and doesn't belong in our capital city.

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Oh Yeah


Another bloody writer artist creative mouth almighty blogger Golden Boy of the internet

Making a Living and an Income and a Name and Position and Accolade of Himself writing about things he dont know damn all shit about himself personally

Met Loads of You


We are just Content

Stopping noticiations as well.

Setting me off, making me MAD

You have never lived any of it.


You drunken cocaine filled belligerent Irish (I am from both sides) arsehole

So drunk you got blood in your piss.

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I am saddened that you have reacted to this article so vehemently, June. As far as I can see it is a reporting of facts, with an opinion about those facts.

I also think that your description of the author, in the final 2 lines of your post, above, as

the reincarnation of a popular sit-com character, called Father Jack, doesn't help you in your cause.

Obviously, I know nothing of your personal circumstances, but I hope that you continue to avail yourself of the contributions of the people involved in this substack.

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Alternatively, your account might have been hacked by someone like Shane Raymond and you need to change your password.

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Unfortunately I don’t think the account was hacked , I was savaged on a comment I made last week by this poster , although thankfully not to this extent

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I'm very sorry to hear that, Petal. I have never seen a post of yours that could possibly offend me... not even the really fucking sweary ones. ;)

Sometimes it seems that it's just you and me against the world... with honourable mentions to JL, the "Irish arsehole" who created this forum, and the many others who contribute to this substack. They not only inform us about this shite, but have also enabled us to express our outrage about it.

Unfortunately, I have just finished my wine ration and will have to break into my Irish whiskey supply to get me through the night and try to ensure that I don't wake up, in the middle of the night, with visions of the photo of the bloke who worked for Waitrose's arse, in the frilly knickers.

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You sound deranged and full of hatred June. I'll pray for you!

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