It’s because it’s virtually impossible to maintain. It causes cognitive dissonance to call an obvious male anything but him.

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It’s such superficial virtue-signalling nonsense...a load of inconsistent and jumbled rules, the purpose of which is primarily to give people a bit of a cockstand (as my grandad used to say) when they get to exert power over those they catch falling foul of them.

I’m going to keep laughing at these people, even though some people around me think me cruel and uncaring for doing so, and even though so many aspects of this sorry mess just make me want to cry.

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Ha ha, bang to rights! He's a bloke, we all know he's a bloke - the bloke pretending he's a bloke knows he's a bloke - and the bloke himself know's he's a bloke. But what a power trip for him - the whole world rearranging itself to make way for his fantasy.

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I've finally figured out why I find the pronoun situation so upsetting, at least in the case of obviously autogynephilic males. It's not just that it's a distortion of reality (although it certainly is that). It seems to me that the insistence that female pronouns be used for males who are indulging in a sexual fetish is, to put it bluntly, a form of covert sexual assault, an attempt to make random people co-operate with someone else's sexual fantasy whether or not they also find it erotic. I understand that feminist-sympathetic autogynephiles, who I'm sure would never wish to physically assault anyone, may be hurt by this assessment and I'm truly sorry for that; I do appreciate that paraphilias are not a choice and that autogynephilia is not, in its simplest sense, harmful. But I feel that it is fundamentally unreasonable to impose one's own sexual fantasies on all and sundry in everyday interactions (as opposed to in private with consenting adult human partners), regardless of how benign those fantasies may be.

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Here’s an interesting parallel: In NZ there is an alternative church called Destiny with quite a large, conservative congregation. A few years ago it’s leader, Brian Tamaki declared himself a Bishop. News reports usually do courteously call him Bishop Tamaki, but no one is compelled to do so or to believe he is actually a Bishop. He self-identified into a group to gain the status he desired and most people recognise that and put imaginary quotation marks around “Bishop” when ever it refers to him.

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its all power play, this playing with language. its like when you are being put on the spot in an interview and asked questions- and expected to answer to a certain formula. and expected to answer the question, not to question the questioner. but to question is to take back some kind of control of the 'conversation'. similarly, when he wants to control the conversation so he can talk about himself, he uses this pronoun talk for all the TIM's have to say/shout 'is i am a woman, talk about me'. and to shut us women up. but we understand that they are self obsessed, and it is their weakness and will be their downfall.

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Oh ffs. What an absolute fucking dough-ball! These people are honestly unbelievable.

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"An interesting aspect of moral conflict is the tendency to ascribe hidden meanings to people. The idea of microaggressions is an example of this, in that a statement such as “Where are you from?” might be said to really mean “You are not a true American,” regardless of the speaker’s intent.

What’s odder, perhaps, is that people may also ascribe hidden meanings to their own side. Their adversaries’ seemingly innocuous statements have a deeper, sinister meaning, while their allies’ seemingly offensive statements actually mean something reasonable.

In a victimhood culture this means that statements by members of an oppressor or privileged group may have a hidden meaning that oppresses the disadvantaged, while statements by activists may have a hidden meaning that helps fight oppression.

This can end up meaning people get falsely accused of something akin to hate speech over everyday conversation topics or ordinary political opinions, while others are excused for expressing overt hatred toward people due to their race or gender.

So there can be extreme empathy or extreme vindictiveness, and which one people receive depends on their identity."



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Hey, Joy Behar did it to Caitlyn Jenner. It happens when you are "tired."

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Guy Lambert is an absolute cock Womble.

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Gregor has done wonders presenting non binary to the world as a complete joke.

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Welcome to world of ‘newspeak’ where you must obey or you will be disappeared! Orwellian indeed (but with a total lack of intelligence) 🙄

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What a bloody idiot

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