Scrolling through some of the comments on Twatter and surprise, surprise, some are more upset at the fact he is being misgendered and not the fact he actually dismembered a woman and dog! Stop the world, I want off!

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I have no words. Seriously, no words to express my disgust at all of this.

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The most plausible explanation as to how a movement that enables and supports abusers and paedophiles has managed to capture so many institutions is that the people at the very top of these institutions (often behind the scenes) are actually abusers or paedophiles themselves. How else could this possibly have happened?

Anyone who spouts 'trans rights are human rights' while simultaneously excusing or keeping silent on violence, abuse, and grooming from the men hiding behind the trans shield of untouchability... we see you for who you really are and what this is about. You care nothing for actual trans people. I can only imagine the horror those with genuine dysphoria must feel to have such grotesque displays of sexuality and identity lumped in with their "rights".

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The rabid, the violent and the insane. This is exactly what women are expected to tolerate everywhere and all the time. Now we see glimpses of it. Wonder why we’re anxious? Wanting to get rid of patriarchy and prevent more harm.Doesn’t seem to be preventable and tolerated by men because it all makes cowardly, averagely bad men look good.

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This really is the best of times for the evil and perverted men of the world.I hate them more with every report I read. I hope they live miserable lonely lives and then rot in hell for all eternity. Okay, now I need some chocolate and I blame these perversions for any weight gain!

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Fuckin ‘ell. I think we’re doomed.

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this needs to be sent to the teaching unions - good women work there guts out teaching in schools /protecting children - and really don't have the time (or the inclination to know this stuff). maybe the curriculum needs to be rethought? if so the teachers would know best how to change it (- not 'journalists'/politicians who claim to be running the country).

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All these men should be locked up 24/7 in highly secure accommodation, for life, in my humble view. They are dangerous 'mad dogs', walking amongst us. Society has allowed all the unwritten rules to be broken, all the safeguarding to be done away with...and that has been pushed by the same kinds of brain patterns as we see above. 'Kindness' is Killing Safety, for women, for children, for all of us.

Those who are mentally deranged used to be kept away from society, not all, but many of those who were known about. Then, we got rid of 'mentally deranged' as a term, removed so many others too, preaching that everyone had the right to be their 'true, authentic selves'. What the dingbats who promoted this, and those who cunningly contrived to get them to do this, was that some people's 'true, authentic self' is to be a murderer, a rapist, a violent, deranged, deviant psychopath, with no conscience at all.

Bring back the secure mental institutions, lock 'em up forever, because many of these vicious, violent, woman-HATING males will never be sane enough to be let free. Sadly, many of our mental hospitals have been closed down, sold off, turned into luxury apartments for mentally deranged uber-rich folks, because someone decided that Care In The Community would be better..and now, they walk amongst us, many sporting beards, dresses and diapers, all at the same time, whilst being told how 'stunning and brave' they are by other lunatics who've completely lost the plot......

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I believe the guy with the long purple hair is performing satire, rather than femininity

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Does that man with the long purple hair not realise how through-the-looking absurd it is to use an argument against gender identity ideology to support his gender identity ideology.

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