Those poor Jane Does, unbelievable levels of capture across the board and losing work because of it.

Discrimination cases need to help win this.

The wokerati could've at least spelled it correctly: WomXXn & Mxyn.

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That gasp 🤣😆😂

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"We don't believe anyone can be born in the wrong body..."

"[Gasp!!]! 😂🤣

Mr Button there sounds like he's in need of a new fainting couch doesn't he? I would not be taking my queue on anything pertaining tobiological science from him! I do hope that his days as the genderists favoured spokesboy are numbered.

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In the North America where I am, the most famous brand of commercially-produced turkeys is Butterball. So whenever I see this particular turkey of a chap on British media, I always think of him as Benjamin Butterballs. When I hear him spout his nonsense, and tell bald-faced lies like he does with the phony suicide stats, I find myself muttering with a harrumph, "Talk about butterballs!."

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