Today Of All Days
A trans identified male speaking at a memorial service for murdered women is a new low, even for Canada.
A trans-identified male has been invited to speak at a memorial service for fourteen murdered women.

On 6th December 1989, a young man called Marc Lépine walked into a mechanical engineering class at Montreal’s École Polytechnique armed with a semi-automatic rifle. He separated the men from the women and then instructed the men to leave the classroom. He declared that he was ‘fighting feminism’ before opening fire on the nine women who remained. He killed six of them.
Lépine then ranged around the building for 20 minutes, targeting and shooting women. He murdered a further eight women before finally killing himself.
His page-long suicide note made clear that his barbaric actions had been motivated purely by his hatred of women. “Feminists have always enraged me. I have decided to send the feminists, who have always ruined my life, to their Maker.”
Thirty-two years later and a Canadian province has deemed that the best person to speak at a memorial service for these women is a male.
On Monday the Prince Edward Island Advisory Council on the Status of Women held a memorial service for the victims of the Montreal massacre. Like the vast majority of so-called women’s organisations in Canada, this council operates for those who ‘self-identify as women’ and talks about ‘equality for all genders’ etc. So it’s not really a women’s organisation at all. Even so, it is shocking that their choice of speaker at a memorial for murdered women was a trans-identified male.
Incredibly, they invited Anastastia Preston, a Trans Community Outreach Coordinator at an LGBTQ+ sexual health clinic, to speak at the service.
Such a choice would be have been wholly inappropriate whatever the circumstances. But the male they invited clearly has no empathy or respect for women. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Of course, he calls himself a lesbian.
Only a few months ago, he retweeted this.
Yet the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women still believed him a suitable speaker at a memorial service for women who were shot to death.
Talking to CBC about being invited to speak at the service, Preston commented, "For decades, trans women have been kept out of the conversation around gender-based violence”. He then talked on, at length, about being trans.
He said that, at the memorial service, he would describe his own experiences as a ‘trans woman’ and gave an example which involved him being ‘groped’ in a bar while wearing a red dress.
When people expressed their outrage at this appalling insult to Lépine’s victims, CBC turned off the replies to their tweet. This afforded Preston another opportunity to hijack the murder of 14 women in order to press the trans agenda and bang on about ‘gender based violence’.
Those women were not murdered because of their ‘gender’ but because of their SEX.
Had Preston been in that classroom and instructed to leave with the other men, would he have lingered to complain about being misgendered? Of course he bloody wouldn't.

Preston was given an appropriate platform at which to discuss trans issues only last month, when he was invited to speak at an event commemorating Trans Awareness Week. I’m sure he’d have exploded with narcissistic rage had a non-trans person stood alongside the mayor to make a speech at this occasion.
But women can’t have anything of our own that males like Preston will not take from us. Not even a few moments of solemnity in which to remember our sisters, killed by a man that hated us all.
I have no words. He was groped in a red dress in a bar once (btw doubt this very much).. oh yes that is exactly the same as 14 women being murdered for being women. I am raging.
The disrespect shown to those women, who were murdered, is beyond words.
This is soul searing, and cruel.
How Dare they 😞