Sandy Toksvig just gave an interview where she said the following.
What Toksvig forgets to mention is that she has a financial motive for pretending she doesn’t understand why women and girls need single sex spaces, or fair sports, or freedom of speech; her WEP party receives funding from a straight male Google employee with a ‘trans child’, as revealed in our 2020 piece.
…and there was this, in which former WEP members blew the whistle.
As for her quote “I could weep. I don’t get it. It’s beyond me”, here’s a handy visual aid that might help her finally get to grips with the issue.
How about now, Sandi? Do you get it now?
I used to like Toksvig. She’s dead to me now. Knowing that men can’t become women is essential for being a feminist.
Everybody is in it for the money-making opportunities that the trans agenda creates. Not much profit in being lesbian, but start with the early mutilation of children and pandering to AGP men, and it's pure gold. What a complete lack of awareness she is demonstrating.
"Nothing works if you can't tell the truth."