Westminster Hall debates give MPs an opportunity to raise local or national issues and receive a response from a government minister. Any MP can take part in a Westminster Hall debate.
These debates take place on ‘general debate' motions expressed in neutral terms. These motions are worded ‘That this House has considered [a specific matter]'.
Amendments to such motions cannot be tabled. Divisions (votes) cannot take place in Westminster Hall.
Petition debates take place in Westminster Hall on Mondays if agreed by the Petitions Committee. These debates are usually held in response to a Parliamentary petition when it reaches 100k signatures.
So on Monday 13th June there will be a debate: “That this House has considered e-petition 613556, relating to transgender conversion therapy.”
Usually a government spokesperson will open the debate, followed by speeches from any MPs, of any party who wish to speak, including an opposition spokesperson, before the government spokesperson wraps it up. These debates usually run for 60 to 90 minutes and you can watch this one live on Parliament TV online at 4.30pm.
Some people think these debates are rather pointless, as there are no amendments possible, and no votes, but they do give MPs a chance to make their arguments and also to discover what the 'other side' are saying. On 23rd May there was a Westminster Hall debate on 'Legal Recognition of Non-binary Gender Identities' and there were some very good speeches made. One or two speeches may cause you to raise an eyebrow!
As to the Conversion Therapy bill, it is yet to be published, but once it is, and parliamentary time has been allocated, then we do expect amendments to be tabled, both in the Commons and the Lords, and that is when it will be very important for you to write to your MPs.
All the grassroots political groups have been working very hard over the past few months to get our parliamentarians thoroughly briefed, as have numerous other groups.
Do follow @CforWomenUK @LabWomenDec and @LibVoice4Women on Twitter to get the latest political news on the CT bill, and other bills that are of interest to those of us fighting for the rights of women and the safeguarding of children.
Karen Varley, Founder, Conservatives For Women
Thank you Karen! Nothing that goes on in Westminster should be overlooked and I hope this helps people understand the slightly arcane processes a little better. The Parliamentary websites are great now and it's easy to find out what's timetabled to happen (and where).
Wow. And again there would be no LGB rights without the T. A gay man says this? And this mention of 'historical' events which are in our lifetimes. It's rewritten history yet again.