I’m getting a strong feeling that Jordan Gray might be the final straw for many people. Like Eddie Izzard, he’s another Rachel Dolezal figure, but unlike Eddie, he didn’t make the mistake of singing a memorable song about how much he hates women to a national audience. This was too much for one friend, who has started to become more vocal on the issue. I wrote him this letter and I hope he doesn’t mind my sharing it here.
Dear Old Pal,
...I wouldn't presume to just give you it as sudden unexpected emails might not be what you're looking for right now, but would you like a free subscription to my website? I report on all aspects of gender insanity with a team of brilliant women and a few splendid men. Whistleblowers are contacting me all the time. The latest one concerned the bloke on Friday Night Live, who I'm afraid I call Frankenhooker 3000 because like you, I've run out of patience.
Years ago, when I was still trying to understand what was going on, a therapist told me that young boys were suddenly demanding estrogen from their parents, claiming to be trans, because they wanted to grow breasts. And as quickly as possible!
"Why do they want to grow breasts?" I said.
"Well," she said, as if it was obvious. "They want to play with them."
It wasn't obvious to me! As a teenager, I suffered from crippling loneliness and horniness as well, but at no point did I think to myself "Maybe I can grow a pair of breasts and feel THEM up!"
But I do have great sympathy for those boys. They were left alone with the keys to the biggest dirty bookstore of all time, the Internet, home of some of the worst pornography imaginable, on tap, like music on a streaming service, and it drove them mad. A generation of young men has grown up to claim that women don't exist and children can consent, and literally any boobs will do, even your own. What a coincidence that these young men came along with the free availability of hardcore pornography.
Jordan Gray is one of those unfortunate boys, grown up, completely oblivious to the corrosive nature of his misogyny and the fetishistic nature of his dysphoria. Understandably oblivious. Wouldn't you rather believe that you were a civil rights hero, and not someone who fell down a pornographic rabbit hole and popped out looking like a pornographic rabbit? There are thousands of these men, similarly damaged, less able to play the piano, and they are demanding access to women’s spaces. You can see a dizzying array in the brilliant video by Skirt Go Spinny. None of these men should have access to women’s spaces. None of them. Including Jordan. Including Eddie.
Let me know about the subscription.
Love and solidarity,
While the 'Educate & Celebrate' YouTube channel appears to have been wiped, there are still videos available here (for now) and some require downloading to view.
I don't say this lightly, but videos may be triggering for some of you.
So nice to see more people being peaked. As John McClaine said (Die Hard): "Welcome to the party pal". Do not watch the skirt go spinny video either just before or just after a meal. You need a strong stomach.