A woman is sad that she can only perform two unnecessary double mastectomies on children
The alphabet soup homophobes of Manchester Pride
This account is trashing lesbians & gay men who disagree with them. Yet they won't stop pretending to speak for lesbians & gay men, because then it would be obvious to many more people that this is a cause for homophobic, heterosexual men & women
Manchester Pride @ManchesterPride
Ministry of Justice, a little while ago
Iseult continues to be a thorn in the side of Bishop O’Gorman
Grandaughter of Amnesty founder, don’tcha know!?
Not only does @amnesty believe sex doesn't exist - they believe you do not deserve their protection or "legitimate representation" by your government if you believe sex is real and material. https://t.co/n8UZAhDduL
Ellie Scott @KodaScott1
Liberty praising a woman who called lesbians ‘sexual racists’ because they don‘t want to sleep with crossdressing men
This is why I’ll never turn my back on trans people who ally with women
Sophie explains something deeply true about the situation, and there’s nothing with which trans rights activists can come back at him.
Trans women aren’t just men, we’re terribly privileged men. No other man would be permitted to graduate from a mediocre sports career to breaking records at women’s expense. We’re men with a get out of accountability free card. Doors are opened to us that are closed to other men.
This is the antithesis to the openly misogynistic approach taken by abusive men like Colin Montgomery, Tony Hayden and Sean Fae. Sophie is an example of a decent man using his artificially inflated privilege to benefit women, rather than further humiliate and disempower them. He does this despite knowing that it will result in an end to that privilege. That’s a good person. That’s someone I’ll always stand beside.
Sally Hines, gaslighting even as she retreats
Listen to the support from the crowd
…and doesn’t this just say it all
God I hate these misogynist pricks
A beardbro steps on his dick
The full list of rights trans activists want to remove
Splendid stuff from Jane
God help them, these people just aren’t bright
MSP doesn't know that he's arguing against the current law, and then locks replies when that is pointed out.
Paul O’Kane MSP @PFOKane
For once, a use of ‘cis’ I can get behind
Cancelling comedians while the world burns
It simply isn’t feasible that any of Jimmy Carr’s critics sincerely believe that he is celebrating genocide.
This is the kind of dishonesty that we have come to expect from those who support censorship.
Beware of authoritarianism dressed up as virtue.
HOPE not hate @hopenothate
Dear Mr Farrow. It sounds like your world will collapse if Alison Moyet is GC. Diddums. I'm sure she worries every day if her views meet with your approval and the affect they may have on you. If only you would give an iota of consideration to women and their rights.
Dr Jane Clare Jones, as ever is spot on. Mr Farrow would be wise to take note. If I ever meet her I'd love to shake her hand as well as that of "That Guy Called Sophie". I love it when a trans person can see what the TRAs are doing and calls them out for it.
Thing is Allison Moyet has always been a TERF. Wonder what took Martin so long to notice?