Billy Bragg beclowns himself further, a glorious moment on Women's Hour, another misogynist at Amnesty, Frankie Boyle suddenly remembers existence of Muslims and more!
So Billy Bragg has changed the lyrics to his hit ‘Sexuality’ and appropriately for a gender hippy has erased homosexuals while doing so.
A section that used to go…
Just because you're gay, I won't turn you away.
If you stick around, I'm sure that we can find some common ground.
Now runs…
Just because you're they, I won't turn you away.
If you stick around, I'm sure that we can find the right pronoun.
I guess pandering to fashionable American homophobia is how good socialists get to afford houses like this.
He’s currently arguing with feminists, gay people AND transexuals who understand what his luxury beliefs cost women and homosexuals. It’s quite the scene!
@JoolzDenby @billybragg @JeanHatchet @Passie_Kracht @CroneInAMillion Indeed, as a 'transsexual' not only do I have the same rights as everyone else in the UK, I also have the advantage of 25 years of male privilege. And in my experience in academia, institutions bend over backwards to pander to 'trans women', usually at the expense of women.