In his lifelong effort to reframe his porn addiction as a civil rights issue, and his men’s rights activism as feminism, Colin Montgomery performs a perfect inversion of the truth in the hope of carrying out a remote control swatting at the hands of America’s lunatic fringe.

Posie Parker (Kellie Jay Keen)'s supporters got violent and pepper sprayed five "young counter protestors" at her latest hate rally in the USA
Do not let this slide…
He knows very well that Antifa and the trans ‘community’ contain many psychopaths, like this dude, and “don’t let this slide” is his Hannibal Lecter-style instruction to those who can carry out what he only dreams of.
One day we’ll look back in wonder at Comerford, Montgomery, Prior, Billingham, Harrop, Hayden and Paisley and wonder how such a collection of unhappy, always-online sadists briefly held so much power.
I watched it live...they were attacked, they were body slammed, spat at by men in masks..pepperspray was used souly in self defence, I saw it all, would testify to it.
Perfectly written post.
So pleased Colin's pre-'transition' photo is here.
He is an exceedingly dangerous man.