How many girls?
Here is Tessa, telling women if they don't like the oppression that comes from being female, they can simply opt out, take T and solve it all. How many girls are being told this on social media?
Isn’t it just?
Titania McGrath: Gone. Jarvis DuPont: Gone. The chap in the picture here: Still happily Twittering away. Twitter is a sewer.
Sadfem @gaytoastu
This is a men’s rights movement
We see you, Yale.
First Karolinska acknowledges the correction to the key study that mistakenly claimed that trans surgeries improve mental health.…
Now Yale quietly deletes the link to their original celebratory piece. 1/…
Dara O’Brian and Ben Goldacre, your ears should be burning.
What I find striking in this is the utter silence of self-styled skeptical men, who rail against religion and homeopathy, write books with titles like "Why I Am Best At Rational Thinking" and consider Gwyneth Paltrow to be the root of all evil
I’ve wondered about the silence of Ben Goldacre too. And where’s bloody Louis Theroux when you need him.