All eyes on the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists!
Urgent! Consultation closes at midnight tomorrow!
Crazy people at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have issued a new paper ‘Care of Trans and Gender Diverse Adults in Obstetrics and Gynaecology ‘. It’s the usual horroshow.
A subscriber took me through the looking glass.
Prostate problems are now a gynaecological issue:
Patient privacy and dignity is out the window for everyone who isn’t considered to be ‘gender diverse’. Hospitals are required to make a judgement based on sexist stereotypes ie ‘presentation’.
Gender non-conformity requires medicalisation:
But whatever you do, don’t ask those women if there are underlying reasons for wanting healthy organs removed and binned:
Shh, don’t keep a patient’s family informed like you would any other patient:
Indeed, so why the hysterectomy in the first place? Why the cross sex hormones? What about the baby? Has RCOG even considered the impact of testosterone on an infant? What does it do to a female baby’s body?
Totally ideologically loaded, unscientific use of ‘assigned’, and again there’s the part where no one has any idea what harm growing in a body riddled with testosterone could cause to a baby:
Also, is stopping testosterone for six months enough? Some sports require males to suppress testosterone for a year to participate in women’s sport, but subjecting that same chemical to a baby in a female body is apparently no problem after just six months.
And still this insistence that puberty blockers are reversible:
There’s more but this is surely too much already. No consideration of wider harms, and especially no consideration of women or children.
And just to make sure no one says anything honest that might be controversial, nothing is anonymous:
Link to consultation (Remember, closes at midnight tomorrow!)
As a member of said college I was infuriated when this consultation came through. The RCOG had always remained separate from this stuff. Reading them use AFAB and AMAB is an outrage. We assign nothing at birth, it is determined at conception
I have written in response to the consultation as follows.
Response to the consultation by RCOG on a new proposed Green Top Guidance
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists should withdraw and not publish any form of the proposed Green Top guidance "Care of Trans and Gender Diverse Adults". It panders to mental illness.
No one is "trans" except as a legal fiction created by the 2004 "Gender" "Recognition" Act. No one is "Gender Diverse" in law or in reality.
Sex is well-understood medically and in law including as a well-defined "protected characteristic" in the Equality Act 2010. I will state again, in case anyone has forgotten it, that sex is binary, immutable and real in all the trillions of cells of the human body (Prof Robert Winston - "Gender" is not defined in the GRA. "Gender dysphoria" IS defined in S25: it is a "disorder", a mental disorder.
The notion of the present "guidance" is absurd. The RCOG should push back (1) against the cult of "gender identity ideology" which underlies the postulated "transgender" "identities", and (2) against the rampant, divisive influence of Trans Radical Activists such as Stonewall (and others) who wrongly and insistently misrepresent the Equality Act to all who will listen. They are manipulating your agenda.
The Government is well aware of the explosion of the "Equality, Diversity and Inclusion" "Industry". Please read the speech by the Rt Hon Suella Braverman QC to the Policy Exchange on 10th August entitled "Equalities and rights: Conflict and the need for clarity" - (or
She said:
"Increasingly we see cases arising in the workplace that are symptomatic of a culture where fringe campaign groups, purporting to champion rights, have claimed a moral high ground and have adopted an attitude of intolerance. No doubt right-wingers and left-wingers will disagree on the precise causes of how we got to a place where stating the facts of biology might risk your job. In relation to the Equality Act, the main problem is that businesses and institutions are currently misinterpreting these laws and applying a perceived moral obligation to go beyond the law, when it comes to equality".
See also section 2 of her speech: "Equality, Diversity and Inclusion".
There is only one category of woman: "adult human female". Only women get pregnant, gestate, give birth and breast-feed babies. In the context of "gender" the words "cis" and "trans" are neologisms coined in 1991 by Volkmar Sigusch, a German sexologist, which have no scientifically verifiable meaning. Only those who have studied Organic Chemistry will remember that these words have another precise and verifiable meaning in Stereochemistry: the position of substituent groups on either side of a C=C double bond on the same side (cis) or on opposite sides (trans). And Latin history of the Gallic wars, of course: cis-alpine and trans-alpine.
(1) No one is "assigned" female at birth - sex is observed at birth if not well before by ultrasound
(2) Human anatomy is not based on "spare parts" surgery or on transhumanism - the belief that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology. Quite simply we ARE and are complete in our healthy bodies.
(3) The human mind arises from the body to which it is inextricably linked.
(4) The "gender neutral" paroxysms of the NHS are unwelcome victories for trans lobbyists. "Gender neutral" language is not a response to the needs and preferences of the general public. The public is mystified by the confusion and lack of simple, clear language based on sex.
(5) It is not possible to placate "Trans" Radical Activists. Their agenda is to force their unscientific cult on the rest of the world. For example they want to re-label women as "cis-women", i.e. a sub-category of their own SEX. This is female erasure. This looks very much like a Male Rights Activists' agenda.
Please read the book "Trans: when ideology meets reality" by Helen Joyce (OneWorld, 2021) for a very readable introduction to "gender critical" i.e. normal thinking.
There is a solution to "gender identity" ideology: please reject it as the unscientific nonsense that it really is.
Thank you!