Monday 26th February - Leave Them Kids Alone
REALITY’S LAST STAND: A woman feigned an invented ‘gender identity’ to demonstrate how quickly and easily she could access a medical transition.
Kaiser Permanente is the largest managed care organization in the US, operating in eight states and running 39 hospitals and over 700 medical offices.. It is made up of three distinct but interdependent groups; the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc. (KFHP) and its regional operating subsidiaries, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, and the regional Permanente Medical Groups.
KFHP is a not-for-profit organisation. However, each Permanente Medical Group operates separately as a for-profit partnership in its individual area and is primarily funded by its respective regional Kaiser Foundation Health Plan entity.
The name Kaiser Permenente may already be familiar to you; it is the company against which de-transitioners, Kayla Lovdah and Chloe Cole, have both taken legal action, accusing the organisation of pushing them into ‘gender reassignment’ treatments and surgeries when they were still just children.
A 53-year-old woman from Davis, California, began to take an interest in Kaiser Permanente when her 14-year-old daughter started to identify as trans. A Kaiser Permanente clinician rushed to affirm her daughter’s gender identity during a routine doctor’s visit for a totally unrelated issue. The doctor asked the girl about her ‘preferred pronouns’, altered her medical records to reflect her new ‘gender identity’ and recommended that the family should consult the Kaiser Permanente Oakland Proud paediatric gender clinic for ‘gender affirming treatment’.
The girls’ mother later decided to approach the Kaiser Permanente facility in Davis, feigning a non-binary gender identity and pretending to seek advice. The experience she reports is horrifying:
“Throughout the whole 231-day process of my feigned gender transition, the Kaiser gender specialists were eager to serve me and give me what I wanted, which would all be covered by insurance as ‘medically necessary’. My emails were returned quickly, my appointments scheduled efficiently, and I never fell through the cracks…
I was able to instantly change my medical records to reflect my new gender identity and pronouns. Despite never being diagnosed with gender dysphoria, I was able to obtain a prescription for testosterone and approval for a ‘gender-affirming’ double mastectomy from my doctor. It took only three more months (90 days) to be approved for surgery to remove my uterus and have a fake penis constructed from the skin of my thigh or forearm. Therapy was never recommended.”
Later in the week, Canadian news outlet, Radio-Canada, broadcast details of its investigation into the speed at which minors can be prescribed hormone treatments under the Quebec health system. The investigation showed that a 14-year-old girl can access testosterone in around ten minutes.
Also Today - Within These Walls
DAILY SIGNAL: A female prisoner in the US has been forced to share a cell with a trans-identified male sex offender.
Mark Campbell is serving a 34 year sentence for the first degree sexual assault of his own 10-year-old daughter. The child told investigators that he had repeatedly raped her, used ‘sex toys’ and forced her to view pornographic material.
Once in prison he started ‘identifying as a woman’ and called himself Nicole Rose. He began pursuing surgery in 2013 but the Department Of Correction denied his request. In 2016 he filed a lawsuit against Department of Corrections officials. In December 2020, a federal judge ruled that Wisconsin must offer Campbell taxpayer-funded ‘sex change’ surgery and move him to a women’s prison. He was transferred to Taycheedah Correctional Institution in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
Katelyn McGraw is 31 years old, stands just five feet and two inches tall and weighs 150 lbs. As a child she was sexually abused by her father who groomed her into using drugs. She is currently incarcerated in the Taycheedah Correctional Institution, serving a sentence for possession of narcotics and bail jumping. Until very recently, she was forced to share not just a cell but a bunk bed with Mark ‘Nicole’ Campbell.
Katelyn told The Daily Signal that she had to endure Campbell’s constant masturbating, sexually explicit comments and aggressive behaviour.
When Campbell was first moved to Katelyn’s cell, he commented that her friends would be curious about his ‘vagina’, telling her it would be ‘fresher’ than theirs and asking her if she wanted to see it.
Katelyn described Campbell’s ‘constant masturbation’ in the bunk bed directly below hers and said that he would openly penetrate himself with foreign objects. On one occasion she asked him to stop but he ‘went crazy’ and ‘snapped’. He shouted at her and punched the top of her bunk repeatedly.
Living in fear of being sexually assaulted and/or physically beaten by Campbell, Katelyn told The Daily Signal that prison guards refused to act on her concerns. Earlier this month, she was moved to the prison’s psychiatric services unit and says she was threatened with segregation if she refused to go. “Anything is better than a cell with him”, she said.
The Department of Correction has not responded to The Daily Signal’s requests for comment on this story.
Tuesday 27th February - Saying The Quiet Part Loud
In a now-deleted post on X (formerly Twitter) The Metro made its misogyny perfectly clear, attacking a woman for defending female language.
JK Rowling criticised a social media post which described the trans-identified murderer, Scarlet Blake, as a woman. Blake, you can hardly have forgotten, is the violence-obsessive who tortured and killed a cat live on the internet and was last week found guilty of the brutal and cold-blooded murder of a young man previously unknown to him. Not surprisingly, JK Rowling took exception to such horrendous male violence being attributed to a woman.
The Metro responded by publishing an article on her detractors and bemoaning on social media that JK Rowling “Has sadly opened her mouth again”.
Wednesday 28th February - This Never Happens
HINDUSTAN TIMES: A trans-identified male has been sentenced to death in Mumbai after raping and killing his neighbours’ baby girl.
A 24-year-old trans-identified male has been found guilty of raping and murdering a three-month-old baby girl in July 2021.
According to investigators the male approached a local family after the baby’s birth, hoping for ‘badhai’, a gift traditionally given to ‘hijra’, ie trans-identified males, by those celebrating a happy event. It is reported that he asked for a new sari and a monetary donation of ₹1,100 (approximately £10.50). However, due to Covid restrictions, the couple did not provide him with the gift he demanded and he then threatened to take his revenge on them.
A short time later, he kidnapped their three-month-old baby girl as they slept. He then raped the infant and drowned her in a nearby creek. The court heard that the injuries found on the body demonstrated ‘extreme brutality and depravity’.
Aditee Kadam, special judge for cases under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO), sentenced the perpetrator to death. He said that the death sentence was only to be awarded in the rarest of cases. “This crime smacks of the degradation of a girl child, depravity, and perversity. The barbaric and inhuman manner in which the offence was committed has made it the ‘rarest of rare case.’”
Thursday 29th February - The Ministry Of Truth
THE TELEGRAPH: Psychopathic killer, Scarlet Blake’s horrendous crimes have been recorded as committed by a female.
Last week 26-year-old trans-identified male, Scarlet Blake, was convicted of the brutal murder of a 30-year-old man, Jorge Martin Carreno.
Determined to assuage his obsession with death and violence, Blake set out in the early hours of the morning to find a victim in central Oxford. Stumbling upon Carreno, he lured the unsuspecting man to a popular male bathing spot on the River Cherwell. Blake hit Carreno over the back of the head with a vodka bottle, strangled him with a homemade garotte and then pushed him into the water.
Prior to being convicted of murder, Blake had pleaded guilty to criminal damage after stealing and killing a cat. He used food to lure and steal the family pet which had belonged to his neighbours. He then dissected and skinned the animal before putting it into a blender, live-streaming the entire horrific event on the internet.
Throughout his trial, Blake was referred to as a woman and with female pronouns in court. In the reporting of his arrest, trial and subsequent conviction, most media outlets afforded Blake female pronouns and described him as a woman. Many did not even mention his true sex or trans status.
Thames Valley Police has now confirmed to The Telegraph that Blake’s crimes have been officially recorded as committed by a woman. A spokesman for the force said, “We are required to record the gender of individuals when they are brought into our custody. Blake identified as a female when in custody. As such, Blake is recorded as female on our crime recording system.”
The Ministry of Justice confirmed that the ‘gender’ logged by police for Blake would be mirrored in official crime and conviction statistics held by the courts and all other parts of the justice system.
As detailed by Richard Garside, director of Law & Justice, in an excellent thread on social media, this mis-assigning of male violence is hugely significant.
Over the ten-year period between June 2014 and June 2023, a total of 3,228 defendants were convicted of murder in England and Wales. 3,041 of these convictions, 94% of the total number, were male. Only 187 of murder convictions across the entire decade were female. (Though the real figure is probably lower since it is likely some trans-identified males are hiding in the female data.)
Because so few female defendants are convicted of murder, any male murder conviction classed as female dramatically distorts the female murder convictions data. Just one male murderer recorded as female means that the perceived number of annual female murder convictions rises by around five per cent.
As Richard Garside states, “Classing male defendants convicted of murder as female is terrible for the integrity of social statistics. It is also terrible for public understanding of murder and who commits murder. This deceit by public bodies and news organisations needs to be sorted out, and quickly.”
Also Today - Auntie’s Groomers
PRESS GAZETTE: The BBC has upheld a complaint about Radio 4’s Justin Webb for stating the scientific fact that ‘transwomen’ are male.
Justin Webb presents the Today programme on BBC Radio 4. In August 2023 he was presenting an item about the International Chess Federation’s new guidelines barring trans-identified males from playing in female competitions. During the discussion, Webb used the phrase “Trans women, in other words males”.
A listener complained that Webb’s comment demonstrated his personal view on a controversial matter and was therefore in breach of the BBC’s impartiality rules.
The BBC‘s executive complaints unit (ECU) ruled, that regardless of his personal view which they were not in a position to ascertain, Webb had breached impartiality requirements because “His phrasing did not convey an entirely accurate impression”. The ECU’s ruling stated that Webb’s comment “Could only be understood by listeners as meaning that trans women remain male, without qualification as to gender or biological sex, and that, even if unintentional, it gave the impression of endorsing one viewpoint in a highly controversial area”. The ECU therefore upheld the complaint.
The ECU said this finding has been “Discussed with Justin Webb and the Today team”.
In recent weeks the BBC has lied to the public about the sex of a dangerous killer who has murdered in cold-blood.
It also broadcast trans propaganda that drug-induced male galactorrhea is suitable for consumption by infants and allowed this wholly unfounded claim to be made without any challenge or qualification.
The BBC then castigated one of its veteran journalist for ‘endorsing one viewpoint’ because he told the truth. That ‘trans women’ are male is not a ‘viewpoint’; it is a scientific fact. Our publicly funded national broadcaster is pretending that human beings can change sex.
If you would like to make a complaint to the BBC about this or any other issue, you can do so here.
Friday 1st March - Men Make The Best Women #1
A trans-identified male is to be a UN Women UK delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
Founded in 1946, The UN’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is a global intergovernmental body “Dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women”. It describes itself as “Instrumental in promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world”. And yet a male has just been appointed as one of its UK representatives.
Katie (formerly Martin) Neeves, did not transition until middle age. In a 2018 interview with Leicestershire Live, he described cross-dressing as a ‘hobby’. He told the paper how he wore his sister’s knickers as a child and that, as an adult, he secretly wore his sister’s clothes and those of his girlfriends. He has been married twice - keeping his transvestitism a secret from his first wife until well into their marriage - and has fathered a child. Now, of course, he claims to be a lesbian.
After a successful career as a press photographer - a male-dominated profession - Neeves set up his own photography business. According to his own website, he “Started living full-time as female” and changed his name to Katie in September 2018 at the age of 49. (Conveniently, his photography business, Martin Neeves Photography and Film, retained his male name.)
Around this time, Neeves recorded a video of himself ‘pretending to be male’ for the final time which he then posted online. Prior to this point he’d been ‘living as Katie’ on a part-time only basis, maintaining his male persona when expedient to do so, such as for professional engagements etc. Apparently, he had to cut his garden hedge before ‘switching over’ to Katie full-time. “I’m going to do something really manly like play with this big powerful hedge trimmer… Grrrrr!”, he quipped, stating that for subsequent hedge-cutting, he’d have to ‘get a man in’. He clearly believes that women can’t operate garden tools.
He uses female spaces and insists that his young daughter refrains from calling him ‘Dad’ in public so that he can maintain his delusion of womanhood.
Having set up Cool2BTrans, an organisation which offers ‘trans awareness training’, Neeves is now a self-styled ‘trans ambassador’ and ‘inspirational speaker’, peddling anti-science nonsense about sex being ‘assigned at birth’ and existing on a spectrum.
In March 2022, Sarah Summers, wrote in The Critic about having attended one of Neeves’ workplace training sessions.
The article is quite an eye-opener:
“Living as a woman, according to Neeves, is wearing a short skirt and boots and having white van drivers stop to let you cross the road… Six minutes into the session and Neeves is recounting feelings of excitement, shame and humiliation after being caught wearing his sister’s underwear. He speaks of secretly wearing the clothes of family members and girlfriends well into his 20s. The male entitlement is smug and brazen, the consent of the women he violated irrelevant.
It is difficult to think of an appropriate time to talk about knickers to a room full of strangers, particularly when they’re at work, yet Neeves gleefully manages to drop the word in at every opportunity. He speaks of wearing women’s knickers on a first date, his eyes partially shut, his lips curled with euphoria. It’s uncomfortable to watch, and Neeves’s demeanour suggests the audience’s discomfort is very much his intention… It’s clear the act of wearing his sister’s underwear was exciting and arousing for Neeves…
Neeves’s attempts at girlish coquettishness and repeated references to underwear reveals how exciting and naughty he considers womanhood to be.”
You will, I’m sure, remember that only a few months ago trans-identified male Munroe Bergdorf was appointed a UN Women UK Champion.
That's the Munroe Bergdorf who had to step down from his role on the Labour Party's LGBT advisory board after it emerged he had made homophobic comments, including the statement that he'd like to ‘gay bash’ Glee character, Kurt Hummel. The Munroe Bergdorf who dictated to attendees of the London Women's March that they must not reference their female biology. The Munroe Bergdorf who was dropped from his role at the NSPCC due to his encouraging vulnerable children to contact him in secret, in direct contravention of every safeguarding policy of all children’s organisations.
The UN deems that these males are appropriate choices to represent women on a global stage. What an insult.
Saturday 2nd March - Men Make The Best Women #2
To celebrate International Women’s Day, The Irish Times Magazine asked ‘10 inspirational Irish women’ to name another Irish woman who inspires them.
In advance of International Women’s Day on 8th March, The Irish Times Magazine chose ten ‘inspirational’ women to name one of their heroines, another Irish woman who inspires them.
One of the ‘women’ the paper asked to participate in this article is a trans-identified male, Phillipa Ryder, a prominent LGBTQI+ activist.
Ryder has been in a heterosexual marriage since 1986, fathered a daughter and didn’t begin ‘transitioning’ until 2006 when he was in his 40s.
Ryder is The Chair of Dublin Pride. Last year Dublin Pride was caught out using a doctored photograph on its website to crowbar trans activism into gay and lesbian political history.
The ‘Our Story’ section of the Dublin Pride website used an image from the historic Fairview March of 1983. It was the first gay rights march in Ireland and generally considered to have been the birth of the modern Dublin Pride movement. The original photograph shows an activist holding a sign which reads, “The police aren’t on your side either”. The slogan referred to a travesty of justice in which the killers of Declan Flynn, a young gay man murdered in a homophobic attack in Dublin’s Fairview Park in September 1982, walked free from court.
However, the photoshopped image being used on the official Dublin Pride website erased that pertinent sentiment and replaced it with “Trans rights are human rights”. This shocking insult to those who fought so hard for gay and lesbian rights in Ireland. And it happened on Ryder’s watch as the organisation’s Chair.
Ryder has also been a board member and chair of Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI), an organisation well-know for its attempts to erase women’s rights; in 2020 TENI was one of the architects and main signatories of an open letter which sought to deny media and political representation to people promoting the sex-based rights of women and LGB people.
And still The Irish Times included Ryder in its list of ‘10 inspirational women’ to celebrate International Women’s Day. Of the 2.67 million women in Ireland, the paper only deemed nine of them ‘inspirational’ enough for its article before including a man.
Also Today - This Unsporting Life
REDUXX: Two trans-identified male competitors participated in a collegiate sporting event, stealing opportunities from female student-athletes.
Two trans-identified males competed in the girls’ division of the New England Interscholastic Track and Field Championship held on 2nd March.
Lizzy (formerly Lucas) Cohen Bidwell qualified for the championship having been placed among the top six competitors in two events at the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference State Open. His inclusion meant that two female athletes lost out on qualifying spots in the high jump and long jump events.
Another trans-identified boy, Maelle Jacques, also qualified for the New England championship after winning the girls’ high jump competition at the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association Division 2 state championship held on 11th February, so yet more female athletes have lost out on opportunities to compete.
Elsewhere in the US this week, another trans-identified male student athlete, Sadie (formerly Camden) Schreiner, smashed the record for the regional collegiate women’s 200 metre dash. Not the first time Schreiner has stolen records, races and opportunities from female athletes. He smiled from the podium. The expressions on the faces of the young women in second and third place tell their own story.
Sunday 3rd march - This Never Happens
THE CHRONICLE: A sex offender and paedophile caught filming women in a ladies’ toilet claimed to ‘identify as female’ when apprehended by police.
22-year-old sex offender, Kurtis Mawson, appeared in Durham Crown Court this week and pleaded guilty to sexual assault on a female, voyeurism, three counts of making indecent photographs of a child and possessing an extreme pornographic image.
In May 2022 a member of the public caught Mawson spying on women in a female public toilet. He was standing on a toilet seat, looking into the adjacent cubicle. The police were called and when officers asked if anyone was still in the cubicle, Mawson affected a high-pitched voice to answer, “Yeah”. When asked what he was doing in a women's toilet Mawson said he was there because he ‘identified as female’.
When police arrested Mawson, they found him in possession of a mobile phone and a digital camera which he had used to record women using the toilet. Police officers searched his home and discovered a number of digital devices containing indecent images of children, 80 of which were deemed Category A (the most serious classification indicating images which depict penetrative sexual activity, sexual activity involving an animal or sadism).
In June last year, Mawson sexually assaulted a female tourist who taking a photograph of Durham Cathedral from the city’s Prebends Bridge. He stood behind the woman, ‘committing a sex act’ and she then ‘felt something on her leg’. The experience left her feeling ‘ incredibly distressed’. Mawson fled the scene but was later apprehended thanks to descriptions provided by witnesses. He was subsequently charged with sexual assault when DNA evidence from the victim’s skirt matched his.
In court this week, Judge Joanne Kidd sentenced Mawson to 25 months in prison. She told him that his offences represent a pattern of ‘disturbing sexualised behaviour’.
This is exactly why women need female-only spaces. Because sexual predators like Mawson have already learned to play the ‘gender identity’ card.
See you next week.
I don’t usually read these, preferring to focus on the Good News edition. But today I decided to read it. Big mistake. So depressing, and I feel so angry. I’m asking myself, is there any point in complaining to the BBC? They have their fingers in their ears. They are completely captured. I avoid watching their programmes now, occasionally searching for a drama on Iplayer. Their news and current affairs programmes are pretty much banned in our home. Thankfully I am married to a truly decent and sane Man, or I fear I would never dare go near a male at all after reading this litany of depravity. What in God’s name is happening to Men, or have they always been this perverted and animalistic? Has internet porn merely made their sickness more visible as they now act out their darkness in public?
Thanks for your incredible hard work as ever, JL, for bringing us these horror stories.
Great work by the girl's mum exposing Kaiser Permanente.
Maybe Justin Webb should join GB News?
Thanks for bringing us the news about the Irish Times. I note that the Irish Government have joined the Times in their contempt for women by holding the Constitutional Referenda to remove the words 'women' and 'mother' from the constitution on 08 March, IWD! Call out to the sensible women and me of Ireland to vote No No on Friday. Excellent update here form Irish women's rights group The Countess which contains full explanation of the proposed amendments and the issues:
I have also bene highlighting the referenda in recent posts and well done to Gript News in Ireland for their sterling work on this - the rest of the Irish media are almost totally captured!
Thanks again. Back to the grindstone for the moment for me 😒