Monday 10th May - Is Their Cat Vegan, Too?
ITV: This Morning featured two parents who claim that their 4-year-old is trans.

Matthew Stubbings and his partner, Klara Jeynes, appeared on the programme to talk about their daughter, Stormy, who they refer to with male pronouns and describe as their ‘son’. They claim that Stormy told them she is trans when she was just a toddler.
When interviewed in The Mirror, Stubbings said that Stormy first started showing signs of being transgender before she could speak, indicating that she preferred to wear ‘boys’ clothing’ like her twin brother. He added that Stormy always ‘hated pigtails, dresses and pretty shoes’.
So Stormy’s parents saw fit to question their two-year-old about her ‘gender identity’, even asking if she is non-binary. Stubbings told The Mirror, "Both [myself and my wife] have fairly grown up conversations quite regularly about his gender. He knows his gender is for him to decide, not us”.
The couple already have a referral for Stormy at the Tavistock and Portman clinic.
That little girl is four years old. Doesn’t it just break your heart?
Tuesday 11th May - These Are Not Our Crimes
LIVERPOOL ECHO: A trans-identified male has been jailed for 11 months for violent and racist behaviour.

Mikhnevich was a patient at Walton’s Clock View Hospital where he threatened to throw boiling water at staff. He was given a cup of tea which was cooler than usual, causing him to launch a violent assault on the staff during which he was described as “Punching, kicking and headbutting and spitting uncontrollably”. He also yelled racist abuse at one hospital worker whose hands he bit so badly he broke the skin.
Mikhnevich admitted eight assaults on emergency workers and racially aggravated harassment. He was sentenced to 11 months imprisonment.
He has eight previous convictions for 24 offences, including battery, threats to kill and possession of a blade. Last year he was jailed for 20 weeks after a violent outburst in a supermarket during which he attacked shop staff and police officers.
Rachelle Mikhnevich is male. He’s being held in HMP Altcourse, a men’s prison. And yet this article in The Liverpool Echo describes him as a woman and uses female pronouns throughout. Similarly, a report in The Metro gives readers to believe that these violent crimes were committed by a woman.
This week The Independent reported on a story from the US. Despite the bearded male in the photograph, the headline was “Woman pleads guilty to robbing bank”.
This sort of dishonest reporting skews public opinion and perception in two ways. Not only does it give a wholly inaccurate view of females perpetrators, it also obscures the truth about the number of trans-identified males who commit violent crime.
Are advisory groups such as Stonewall and Trans Media Watch deliberately trying to conceal stories about violent transwomen from the public? It’s so much easier to claim “This never happens” when you’ve hidden all the proof that it does.
Please sign and share our petition about the need for accuracy in crime reporting.
Wednesday 12th May - Literal Violence (And Other Outrages)
THE INDEPENDENT: A male voice actor was cast to dub Laverne Cox’s voice in the Italian version of Promising Young Woman.
Trans activists have expressed outrage after it was discovered that male actor, Roberto Pedicini, dubbed Laverne Cox’s character. The decision has been described as ‘transphobic’ and ‘ridiculous’ with one trans activist calling the casting choice a “Straight-up act of violence”.
Perhaps the casting director’s intention was not ‘violence’ but merely to find a close match for Laverne Cox’s voice?
Of course, Universal Pictures have issued a profuse apology and are re-dubbing Cox’s character using a female actor. “We are deeply grateful to Laverne and the transgender community for opening our eyes to a bias that neither we nor many in our industry had recognised”, a spokesperson said. “We are sorry for the pain caused.”
Elsewhere in the world of the perpetually offended…
Non-binary they/them Twitter user, Laurence, complained to LNER about his train manager using the term ‘Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls’. LNER responded with this obsequious knee-bending.
LNER are standing by their social media comments and stated, “We are committed to diversity and inclusion in all that we do for our customers, colleagues and communities.”
This appalling and very public attempt to inform on a member of rail staff to their employer is bad enough, but Laurence is an RMT Union rep.
He doesn’t seem concerned about the phrase ‘Ladies and gentlemen’ when using it himself. (Sorry, theyself.)
And he really should keep in mind that snitching on people via social media is a game that everyone can play.
Thursday 13th May - We Told You So
EL COMUN: Male candidates have ‘self identified’ as women in Mexican local elections to get around ‘gender parity’ rules.
Far right party, Force for Mexico, fielded 18 male candidates for various positions in the Tlaxcala local elections. However, they were rejected by authorities for failing to comply with parity legislation which requires that at least 50% of the candidates put forward by a political party in either federal or state elections must be female.
So nine of the Force for Mexico candidates ‘self-identified’ as women and… Bob’s your auntie. The General Council of the Tlaxcalteca Elections Institute had no choice but to endorse their registration since they cannot legally question someone’s self-declared gender identity.
Yet another thing we’re constantly told could never and would never happen.
Friday 14th May - Under His Aye
THE TIMES: Academics at Edinburgh University say they are being ‘hunted down’ if they fail to comply with the ‘unchallengeable orthodoxy’ of gender ideology.
Staff at Edinburgh University are amongst contributors to a new internet forum, GC Academia Network, describing bullying, intimidation, threats to their jobs and careers and personal attacks on social media if they dare to challenge gender identity ideology. They say they’re teaching in a climate of fear and that students are being indoctrinated ‘with fixed mindsets on gender identity’.
One academic wrote, “I don’t know if senior management have any idea of the scale of censorship feminists are subject to on a daily basis at this university.” Another staff member talked about biological sex being deemed ‘bad’ and a third spoke of the ‘authoritarian bullies of the Staff Pride Network’.
A couple of weeks ago we reported on the guidelines Edinburgh University has issued to staff to counteract ‘microaggressions against trans and/or nonbinary people’. They instruct staff to monitor themselves, their students and each other for ‘micro-invalidations’ and ‘cis privilege’.
Subsequently, a university employee got in touch and, on the understanding of anonymity, provided us with a copy of the document. It reads like satire.
It is littered with all the usual hyperbole and misinformation. However, one paragraph (on page 5) stands out. “Some people use the phrase ‘reasonable concerns’ as a way to limit the rights of and marginalise trans and non-binary people. This is most common in the arguments about the use of female toilets and changing areas by trans women. While concerns for women’s safety are valid, there is no evidence that trans women pose any more danger than other women.”
This document was produced by Rayya Ghul ‘in consultation with trans and non-binary students’. Ghul, a self-professed ‘trans ally’, doesn’t believe women have a right to single sex spaces, uses the misogynistic slur, ‘terf’, denies biological reality and calls feminists ‘crazed transphobes obsessed with genitals and toilets’.

Elsewhere in Scotland…
Saturday 15th May - Under His Aye #2
THE TIMES: A Law student at Abertay University is facing disciplinary action for stating biological facts.

Lisa Keogh, a 29 year old mother of two, is a law student at Abertay University in Dundee. She was attending an online seminar about gender ideology and the law when she voiced concerns about transwomen taking part in mixed martial arts. She said that women have vaginas and are not as physically strong as men, statements that should not be controversial. However, Keogh says that she was muted by her lecturer during the seminar and called a ‘typical white cis girl’ by other attendees.
She later discovered she had been reported by other students and received an email accusing her of making ‘transphobic and offensive’ comments. She is now being investigated by the university and faces disciplinary action.
Following publication of this story in The Times and The Daily Mail, Abertay University commented on social media about the ‘inaccurate’ reporting of the case.
However, it did not deny that Lisa Keogh is being investigated by the university. Indeed, its statement that “The University does not comment on student disciplinary cases and is duty bound to investigate any complaints received” rather suggests that the newspaper reports were entirely accurate.
Sunday 16th May - Hey, Teacher, Leave Them Kids Alone
THE DAILY MAIL: Schools are calling female pupils by male names without parental knowledge or permission.
The Mail on Sunday has spoken to three mothers who all discovered that schools had allowed their daughters to ‘identify as boys’ and be called by male names without any consultation.
The three pupils in question are all under sixteen and in each case the girls’ male names were not only being used in the classroom, but on pupil registers and official communications from school authorities.
Stephanie Davies-Arai of Transgender Trend told the paper, “We've definitely seen an increase in parents reporting these stories. The schools are simply going along with what the child wants and not telling the parents. It's partly because they are being advised by transgender school toolkits. They are also scared of accusations of transphobia”.
Also Today - Putting The Fox In A Henhouse
FAIR PLAY FOR WOMEN: Internal documents reveal how dangerous trans-identified males came to be housed in the female estate.

In July 2019 a specialist unit was opened to accommodate ‘high-risk’ transgender prisoners. Through a Freedom of Information Request, FPFW obtained the Equality Impact assessment document which reveals how and why the decision was taken to locate this unit at Downview women’s prison.
The more appropriate and far safer option of housing dangerous trans identified male prisoners in the men’s estate was rejected. It was decided that these prisoners need "Association with other women" and "Female services".
In other words, the need to validate the ‘gender identity’ of violent men was deemed more important than the safety of vulnerable women.
See you next week.
Salute JL! A very fine piece, thank you.
This is the kind of post that would peak the world if we lived in sensible times