On Saturday 12th March feminists in Manchester held a walking vigil to highlight the problem of male violence against women and to remember its victims.
The event was organised by the Manchester Feminist Network and attended by other groups such as Women’s Rights Network, Northen Radfem Network and Yes Matters UK. Many of the women taking part were accompanied by their children.
During the vigil, the assembled women were chanting "Whatever we wear, wherever we go, yes means yes and no means no" and "Blame the system, not the victim", words traditionally spoken at feminist ‘reclaim the night’ events. They were interrupted by a man shouting, “Transwomen are women” at them.
The march resumed but women towards the rear heard a disturbance up ahead then a glass bottle was thrown, landing close to them. This forced some of the women with children to leave immediately, fearing for their safety.

As reported by 4W, several of the women in attendance, two of whom are prominent radical feminist campaigners, were physically attacked by a male trans rights activist.

The first woman to be attacked was Belstaffie, a retired probation officer and radical feminist writer, commentator and activist who campaigns for single-sex spaces, especially prisons, and lesbian rights.
She was leading the chanting at the vigil when a milkshake was thrown over her from behind. Witnesses described ‘a man with pink hair wearing a dress’ fleeing the scene.
Only a few minutes later the same man returned, running past two women who were walking together with four small children, all girls. He grabbed and destroyed the sign they were carrying before throwing fluids at another two women. Obviously, the women with the little girls left the march, feeling threatened.
The man then attacked Belstaffie for a second time.

Another of the women attacked was Gemma Aitchison. A feminist speaker, writer and consultant, Gemma founded Yes Matters after her 16-year-old sister, Sasha, was murdered in 2013. The organisation offers a range of services and training, its aim to prevent sexual violence and to support its victims.
I spoke to Gemma following the incident on Saturday and she outlined what had happened to her. About halfway through the vigil, the pink-haired male, with whom she’d had no previous interaction, threw a milkshake in her face.
Gemma, who believes that communication is the key to any conflict resolution, tried to engage him in conversation. However, the man started a violent scuffle with another woman. Gemma very bravely tried to protect this woman by getting between her and the pink-haired perpetrator. This resulted in Gemma being physically attacked; she was punched and fell to the ground.
Later in the day, Gemma had to give the police a victim impact statement. The last time she was called upon to do this was following her sister’s murder so this experience was extremely upsetting for her and left her feeling shaken.
Gemma believes that the perpetrator had followed the march, deliberately seeking out women to assault. Surely it can’t be a coincidence that two of the women who were targeted and bore the brunt of the attack are well known radical feminist activists?
Trans activists on Twitter celebrated this male violence against women and mocked the victims.
Belstaffie reported on Twitter that the man who attacked her has been released with only a caution.

Meanwhile, he was all over social media, gloating about his actions. He posted this:
And this:
And this:
And he retweeted this:
The Manchester Feminist Network had hoped to fundraise for Yes Matters at Saturday’s event. Sadly, their merchandise was ruined but you can purchase it or make a donation here.

We’ll show these sneering bullies that their violence only strengthens our resolve, courage and solidarity. And it swells our number.
See also Maria MacLachlan's video: Another day, another trans activist bully, another feminist assaulted - YouTube
Wow. Imagine any other man in any Western country assaulting women protesting against male violence. He'd have his picture all over the news and a whole bag of legal problems. Do it and wear a dress, you're a celebrated hero.