A girl aged 5 has been flashed by an older boy in mixed sex toliets at Dreghorn Primary school in Scotland. She should never have been put in that position.
Feminist groups have refused to share the petition and side with a five year old girl. They've sided with male feelings instead.
Please, please, please help get the word out about this terrible violation of privacy and abuse towards a five year old girl.
See this? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11040417/Families-shocked-biological-males-allowed-provide-intimate-care-vulnerable-women.html
A girl aged 5 has been flashed by an older boy in mixed sex toliets at Dreghorn Primary school in Scotland. She should never have been put in that position.
Feminist groups have refused to share the petition and side with a five year old girl. They've sided with male feelings instead.
Please, please, please help get the word out about this terrible violation of privacy and abuse towards a five year old girl.