Oct 31, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

Thanks for this Graham. I listen to Heterodorx with Nina and Corrina and they are just brilliant but I’d never actually seen any of Nina’s work and certainly didn’t know she had designed your avatar. Nina and Corrina are so sharp and funny- and the Grace Lavery interview… well, that is certainly something. I recommend everyone who reads this to please check out the Heterodorx podcast if you haven’t already, it’s free on Spotify and they don’t have nearly as many listeners as they deserve. Their chat with the wonderful Angus Fox after the Grace Lavery interview is both humorous and informative. It pleases me immensely that you and Nina already had a connection and that you are actively supporting her 👍🏻

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Oct 31, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

Nina also has paypal so if you want to slug her a one off payment check that out - got the link from her twitter bio

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Oct 31, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

I had no idea Nina did your avatar!

I remember being amazed by Sita Sings the Blues when it first came out (in 2008!) and I'm ashamed that I haven't kept up with her more recent work.

There's some amazing stuff available in her store, all proceeds benefiting the artist: https://www.palegraylabs.com/seder-masochism/

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Love Nina Paley! The algorithms brought me “Sits Sings the Blues” in 2020, and I’m completely hooked. Didn’t know she drew your avatar, but it’s such a good caricature that I’m not surprised! I’ll get over to Patreon now. Thanks for the alert, Graham!

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I love Nina's work! I've known her for years, since she lived here in San Francisco (and beforehand, when I used to read her "Nina's Adventures in Santa Cruz" when I lived in that town.

Her constant fight against this kind of thing, and her discussions on Social Media about her Gender Critical views (and followup discussions we had via IM) informed my views on the subject, and got me into this whole Gender Critical world. I owe her a lot for making me aware of all this.

I see what I can do to help!

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I never miss a Heterodorx podcast episode, often going back to listen to old episodes again and again.

And do watch (and share) “Sita Sings the Blues”, if you haven’t already…the first couple of minutes, I couldn’t quite understand what I was watching, but it wasn’t long before I became completely hooked and loved it!

Nina Paley is marvellous! 💜

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This is a good case for our American friends to take on to join the fight. It won’t end here so you must be prepared to tackle each and every new case which crops up. Graham has shown the way.

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So glad to see this. When I saw this on twitter I thought of you and I don't like sticking my oar in so it's great to see you have picked it up for publicity of your own accord. 🙏🙏

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