Monday 21st February - The Perfect Trojan Horse
THE DAILY MAIL: An elementary school in California sent pupils to a science camp at which ‘non-binary’ male adults shared a bedroom with girls aged 10 and 11.

Weaver Elementary School organised a three-night trip for its 5th-grade pupils to a science camp in San Bernadino. On their return, parents discovered that the girls had shared their sleeping quarters with male counsellors. (In the USA adult camp counsellors are employed to supervise children visiting the venue, overseeing activities and entertainment etc. They usually spend 24 hours a day with the minors in their care and share accommodation with them.)
It seems that male counsellors were allowed to share the girls’ bedroom because they ‘identify as non-binary’ (or claim to) and use they/them pronouns. Emmi Teige, the assistant director of Camp Pali, told Los Angeles news station, KTLA, that the camp was following California law by allowing staff to chose the sleeping quarters which correspond with their gender identity.
Suzi Johnson, one of the parents involved, told KTLA that, had she been made aware of the situation, she would not have allowed her children to attend the camp. “No parent should feel the way I feel after knowing what could have happened to my daughter. It’s awful that children had to even experience this in fifth-grade camp”.
Tuesday 22nd February - Theatre Toilets Out Of Order
THE DAILY MAIL: Yet another theatre has dispensed with single sex toilets and installed ‘gender neutral’ facilities.
The Playhouse Theatre in London is currently home to a production of Cabaret for which tickets can cost up to £250. Theatre-goers have been left unimpressed by its new ‘inclusive’ toilet facilities.
The theatre has merged the formerly separate facilities and the new mixed-sex facilities now mean that women wanting to use the toilet have no option but to walk past men using urinals in order to reach the cubicles.
Aside from robbing both men and women of privacy and dignity, ‘gender neutral’ toilets have proved disastrous for women’s safety. There are innumerable examples of women and girls being assaulted, attacked, filmed and spied on in such facilities.
A man filmed 20+ victims, including a 15-year-old girl, at a leisure centre in Lancashire, another filmed women in toilet facilities on campus at the University of East Anglia, a number of women were sexually assaulted in the unisex toilets of a Bristol nightclub, a man installed a hidden camera in a Starbucks toilet, another voyeur installed a camera in the toilets of a Yorkshire sports centre, an 8-year-old girl was sexually assaulted in the toilets at a Plymouth restaurant…
One theatre-goer told The Daily Mail that a member of Playhouse Theatre staff commented to her, "Our toilets are gender neutral. If you don't want to use the urinals, it is your call." Does that attitude also apply to the women of certain faiths and cultures and the women traumatised by male violence for whom sharing facilities with men is impossible? That doesn’t sound very ‘inclusive’.
Wednesday 23rd February - The ‘Get Out Of Jail Free’ Card
FOX NEWS: In audio recordings of his in-custody telephone calls, a man convicted of sexually assaulting a child reveals the real reason behind his new ‘gender identity’.
A few weeks ago we reported on predator, James Tubbs, who sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl in the bathroom of a California fast-food restaurant in 2014. He followed the child into the women’s toilet, grabbed her throat and forced her into a cubicle where he sexually assaulted her. He was two weeks shy of his eighteenth birthday.
In 2020 he was finally apprehended and convicted of the crime. He subsequently began ‘identifying as a woman’ and now calls himself Hannah. Last month the now 26-year-old Tubbs was sentenced to two years in a juvenile facility, not an adult prison. Furthermore, he will not be required to register as a sex offender. Such leniency was down to the policies of LA’s District Attorney, George Gascón.
This week Fox News journalist, Bill Melugin, published audio recordings of Tubbs speaking during telephone calls made while he was in custody in November 2021.

During one telephone call Tubbs boasted that he would not have to go back to prison or register as a sex offender. He also made explicit and disparaging comments about his victim which Fox News deemed ‘unfit to print’.
In another telephone conversation, Tubbs explained why he is claiming to be trans. "So now they're going to put me with other tr*nnies that have seen their cases like mine or with one tr*nny like me that has a case like mine, so when you come to court, make sure you address me as her."

George Gascón claimed that he and his office were unaware of these phone calls until after Tubbs was sentenced. However, Jon Hatami, an LA deputy district attorney, has disputed this assertion. "I’ve seen emails, emails that show that George Gascón and his chain of command knew about those jail calls well before Bill Melugin published them."
Tubbs’ victim told Fox News that she feels the handling of Tubbs’ case has been ‘insulting and unfair’ and that the sentence he received was ‘no true justice’.
"The things he did to me and made me do that day was beyond horrible… My attacker goes by she/them pronouns now. I see it also unfair to try him as a woman as well, seeing how he clearly didn’t act like one on January 1st of 2014."
Thursday 24th February - Lies, Damn Lies & Statistics
Fair Play For Women’s appeal on the Scottish census ‘sex question’ was refused.

The Inner Court of Session has ruled as legal the census guidance notes which allow participants to complete the male/female question according to their self-declared gender identity, regardless of their biological sex or legal status.
Despite FPFW’s success in a very similar case against the ONS last year and despite the EHRC intervening in this case, the Scottish court has chosen to allow the national census to be completed dishonestly.
FPFW made a statement: “We know sex matters, and so do the courts. But they decided that it doesn’t matter in the census. We disagree. Collecting accurate data on sex is important and matters most to women and girls. It underpins the research and policies needed to combat sexism. How can public authorities monitor and assess policies in line with the protected characteristics without counting sex?”

Writing in The Critic, Helen Saxby asks why trans activists are so vehemently opposed to the honest recording of their sex. After all, the census is anonymous and the data private so it poses no threat or danger to the respondent.
“The answer is more than just a question of “validation” for trans people whilst in the act of filling in a form. The lack of accurate data about the trans community has some serious benefits when it comes to spreading false information or making it up as you go along.”
Friday 25th February - This Never Happens
REDUXX: A trans activist who was an advisor to a congresswoman in the Peruvian government has been arrested on child sexual abuse charges.

Marvin Gianinni Gómez Gónzales, also known as ‘Tiffany’, is a well-respected trans rights activist in Peru, so lauded that he represented the trans community as a torch-bearer during the Pan American Games in 2019.
According to a number of Spanish-language news outlets (such as ACI Prensa, Minuto Digital Peru and Expreso) Gómez Gónzales was arrested in January after police reports were filed by three minors who allege that he sexually abused them.
Prior to his arrest, he had worked as an advisor to politician, Susel Paredes, since she was elected to the Peruvian congress last year. Though she did not mention Gómez Gónzales by name, Paredes tweeted that a member of her staff has been dismissed following an arrest on criminal charges.
He will be tried later in the year. Meanwhile, he remains in preventative detention.
Saturday 26th February - These Are Not Our Crimes
MAIL PLUS: Harry Styles’ stalker is back in court, accused of breaking into his house and assaulting a female staff member, and he’s now claiming to ‘identify as a woman’.
In 2019 a 26-year-old man was convicted of stalking Harry Styles. Pablo Tarazaga-Orero was banned from being within 250 metres of the singer, his home or his business address and from attending his live performances.
Tarazaga-Orero was back in court this week having, allegedly, broken into Styles’ home and physically assaulted a woman working there. He is charged with assault by beating, breaching a restraining order, criminal damage and using violence to secure entry to premises.
Since his original conviction, Tarazaga-Orero has started to ‘identify as a woman’ and is calling himself Diana.
In reporting on the case, The Mirror, The Belfast Telegraph, The Irish Independent and The Daily Mail do mention Tarazaga-Orero’s trans status, but they all refer to him with female pronouns and most call him Diana. The Mirror even describes him as a woman.
The Independent and The Evening Standard initially reported that ‘a man’ faced these charges but hastily updated their articles. In its altered version, The Independent does not mention that Tarazaga-Orero is male or trans; the article uses female pronouns throughout and gives readers to believe that a woman committed these crimes.
Similarly, an article in The Metro makes no mention of Tarazaga-Orero’s sex but uses female pronouns throughout and twice describes him as a woman. It even manipulates testimony from the original trial in 2019 to conceal the truth. Harry Styles obviously referred to his stalker as he/him when giving evidence in 2019. The Metro article quotes his testimony but has edited it to insert female pronouns.
Sunday 27th February - Women Aren’t Allowed Anything Of Our Own
THE TIMES: A veteran campaigner has slammed Rape Crisis Scotland, saying it ‘betrays women’.

In 1977 Ros Whyte helped to establish Scotland’s first rape crisis centre in Glasgow. This centre led to the foundation of Rape Crisis Scotland (RCS) which now has seventeen separate branches.
Whyte has criticised the organisation she helped to found over its ‘inclusive’ policy which allows males to use and even work in RCS services if they ‘identify as women’. The CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, Mridul Wadhwa, for example, is a trans-identified male. (He was in the news last year after expressing his belief that rape victims requesting a female-only space are bigots who must be re-educated.)
Whyte says the original Glasgow centre was established as a safe space for women only that men would ‘never be part of’. She has accused the RCS of abandoning its founding principles and of betraying women.
“Women must be able to have access to single-sex spaces away from men. It is perhaps time for the trans community to think about campaigning for their own safe spaces…
Times may have changed since we founded the first centre but the fundamental nature of rape and its long-term consequences for the survivors has not. The violation, the physical and mental harm, the trauma and what we know now as post-traumatic stress syndrome and the tangible, palpable fear of men remain exactly the same.”
The Times spoke to a rape survivor who was unable to seek help from Rape Crisis Scotland because she cannot be guaranteed a female-only environment. She told the paper, “I just could not bear having to share that with anyone other than women. I also fear I would be judged and disparaged as a bigot because I need to be seen only by women.”
See you next week.
Thanks again , JL ,for your exposure of all this horror 👏.So hard to believe that those in charge ,in every Western country ,continue to turn a blind eye to all the harm already done ,let alone the potential and likelihood of much more ,while continuing to proclaim " This never happens " Makes you wonder what on earth will it take to open their eyes. Keep it up 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks again for another great update JL and just thanks to you, Graham and Moley for all your hard work and sacrifices made. I’m just absolutely baffled that legal systems and governments still seem to be so captured by this madness and by the sacred caste treatment meted out to horrific abusers obviously gaming the system - wtaf?!?!?!