Seems legit
America *goes utterly insane for a few hours*.
Trans-identified males: *I blame women!”
Arthur Chu is still psychotic
Feminism lessons from Nina Kuta
Here’s a strange argument that feminism absolutely MUST be trans-inclusive. As feminsim is already trans-inclusive (transmen, being female, are included in feminism) what could Nina Kuta mean?
*sees photo of Nina Kuta*
Channel 4, captured
This is not a fucking woman
How dare Newsweek try to pin this on women? What is going on?
Also not a fucking woman
Just a thought
But would it be too much to ask that, at least during a worldwide pandemic, people don’t replace the word ‘sex’ with the word ‘gender’? Or is this just a way of killing off people who have been fooled into thinking that both words amount to the same thing?
Remember, this is a writer for The Independent
Academic, beclown thyself!
The beclowning of academia continues.
A friend said “Does Lavery ever take a step back and think "Jesus, how has my life turned out like this, how is this living, what am I fucking doing? I loved your Two Anuses presentation, I've been thinking about it a lot since the conference...“
Also, enjoy this attempt by Tomas Bogardus to get a Brofessor to provide a coherent definition of ‘gender’.
Ooh, yes
ALWAYS happy to share something that turns people into terfs.
And finally…
Mary Bourke and SMURFS.
Apparently the violent man "Andrea" who killed his parents for not supporting his gender identification also stabbed the dog to death.
Was the dog a TERF is what I want to know!
Hilarious that the video from Contra Points/Natalie is what turned someone in to a TERF. A friend of mine sent me that video months ago in order to show me how narrow-minded I was being and ‘terfy’. She pleaded with me to listen to this very wise philosopher (actual lol) and engage with critical thinking to challenge my backward views. Needless to say I actually haven’t spoken to my ‘friend’ since then. If someone calls me or any gender critical feminist a ‘TERF’ they can just get to fuck. They’ve pretty much lost me at that point.